Study MaterialsNCERT SolutionsNCERT Solutions for Class 9 EnglishEnglish Workbook Class 9 Solutions Unit 8 Prepositions

English Workbook Class 9 Solutions Unit 8 Prepositions

Question 1.
Read the following passage on New Zealand.

New Zealand is a Mecca for nature lovers. Throughout most of New Zealand’s geological history, it was a bird’s paradise. The islands were once part of the southern supercontinent Gondwana from which they broke off around 80 million years ago before mammals had evolved and spread.
(courtesy: Terra Green Sept 2008 issue 06)

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    The underlined words express a relationship usually of space or time between the words with which they stand. Such ‘Positional’ words which are used before nouns (pre-position) are called ________

    Prepositions.English Workbook Class 9 Solutions Unit 8 Prepositions Q1

    Identify the functions of the prepositions in each of these sentences.

    1. George Washington served as the Commander-in-Chief during the American Revolutionary War.
    2. The assassin shot the leader with a gun.
    3. Pratap bequeathed his property to charity.
    4. Manoj was awarded a certificate for his good conduct.
    5. The roof is covered with fire-proof sheets.


    1. During shows the time here of the American Revolutionary War when George Washington was the Commander-in-Chief. Hence it serves the function of time. (Time)
    2. With shows the function of the gun with ‘shooting’ here. (Means)
    3. To show the function of bequeathing the property to the receiver. Here it is ‘charity’. (Agent)
    4. For shows the relationship of good conduct’ with the ‘awarding of the certificate’ here. (Reason)
    5. With here shows the relationship of fire-proof sheets with the roof covering. (Means)

    Question 3.
    Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.

    (a) The magician made the girl disappear ________ my own eyes.
    (b) He climbed ________ the ladder.
    (c) There is a super market ________ our house.
    (d) The train was late ________ 3 hrs.


    (a) before
    (b) up
    (c) near/in front of
    (d) by

    Question 4.
    Group the prepositions in the box below to indicate their use as prepositions of place (P), movement (M) or time (T). There may be more than one category for each.

    between ________
    along ________
    since ________
    up ________
    among ________
    in front of ________
    after ________

    past ________
    on ________
    behind ________
    round ________
    for ________
    across ________
    through ________

    before ________
    until ________
    beside ________
    out of ________
    at ________
    under ________
    during ________


    English Workbook Class 9 Solutions Unit 8 Prepositions Q4

    Question 5.
    A student from a lower class asks you to help her illustrate for her class, the use of different prepositions.
    In groups of four, choose one of the following lists of prepositions and draw simple pictures to illustrate their meaning.

    Time Place Movement
    since on through
    at in along
    until behind across
    for beside down
    after above round

    A. Place – denoting Prepositions

    (a) In
    Place: The teacher is in the class.
    Time: The teacher will be back in five minutes.

    (b) Behind
    Place: He sat behind nie.
    Time: The train is running behind time.

    (c) Besides
    Place: He stood beside me.
    Movement: He was running beside me.

    (d) Above
    Place: He lives in the flat. just above ours.
    Movement: He was hanging a picture above the mantelpiece.

    B. Movement – denoting Prepositions

    (a) Through
    Movement: We were passing through a forest at that time.
    Place: We marched through the town.

    (b) Along
    Movement: The trees seem to be running along the train when it runs fast.
    Place: There are trees along the river.

    (c) Up
    Movement: She climbed up the ladder.
    Place: She lives up Park Street.

    (d) Down
    Movement: Neeta went down the ladder.
    Place: Neeta lives down this street.

    (e) Round
    Movement: He moved around the tree.
    Place: He toured around the world.

    English Workbook Class 9 Solutions Unit 8 Prepositions Q5

    English Workbook Class 9 Solutions Unit 8 Prepositions Q5.1

    Prepositions of location

    Question 6.
    Picture Dictation

    Work in pairs – Student A and Student B. Student A only – turn to Page 117. Keep the picture secret from Student B. Describe exactly what you see to Student B, who must draw the picture from the information given. In the end, compare the two pictures. Draw your picture in the box below.

    In the middle, there’s a small house. Behind the house, there are two hills. Several birds are flying over the house…

    … On the hill to the left side, there is seen a temple. An airplane is seen flying in the sky over this temple. The sun is seen rising over the hill to the right side. Behind the temple, some trees are seen growing on the hill. Palm trees are growing to the right side of the small house. Some trees are seen behind the house on the west side of the house. There is a fence around the house. It is seen forming a kind of circle. There is a passage in front of the house which leads to its main entrance.

    Note: Students shall see that different prepositions used in the paragraph above show the connection between the nouns. These prepositions are given in italics.

    Question 7.
    This description is taken from a well-known film. Can you guess which one?

    A man in a red cape and blue tights is flying over a city. On his chest is the letter S. Below him a large crowd is pointing up at him.

    Imagine a scene from a play, film, or TV show you have seen.

    Describe (a) where things and people are, and (b) any movement. Follow the example.

    Show your description to your partner. Guess each other’s play or film.
    A young man in a light blue shirt and blue faded jeans is riding on a motorcycle. He has a golden watch on his wrist and a golden chain around his neck. He drives speedily and is singing a song. It is a busy road as many cars, buses and scooters ply on it. The passengers stand to see him. Some are pointing up at him. He takes a turn at the crossing and stops. A hearse goes by in front of him. He becomes tense. A sudden change comes over his face. He looks towards the sky and raises his hand. He moves on but the joyful expression in the begin¬ning has disappeared. It has changed into a sad and sullen one. (A scene from the film Mukaddar Ka Shikander)

    Question 8.
    Study the map and the key given below carefully, and complete the sentence that follows.

    English Workbook Class 9 Solutions Unit 8 Prepositions Q8


    1. Lalnagar
    2. Sarkar
    3. Tempur
    4. Rampur (Capital)
    5. Marwah
    6. Chickoor
    7. Strange Lake
    8. Neverest Hills
    9. Safran
    10. Lakshrnanpur

    English Workbook Class 9 Solutions Unit 8 Prepositions Q8.1


    1. Lakshman Pur – is situated halfway along the west coast of Halsi Island.
    2. Rampur – is situated on the south coast of the island, north of Bhingai Island.

    Now describe the position of the other eight places, using some of the words in the box.

    English Workbook Class 9 Solutions Unit 8 Prepositions Q8.2
    Lakshmanpur Rampur/Bhingai Island.

    — Lalnagar is below the Neverest Hills in the north of Halsi Island.
    — Market is on the north coast of the island,
    — Tempur lies on the shores of Strange Lake next to Safran.
    — Rampur (capital) is on the south coast opposite Bhingai Island.
    — Marwah is next to {along) the River Exe south of Bir Forest.
    — Chicco is just along Bir Forest on a tributary of the River Exe.
    — Strange Lake is in the center of the island, below the Neverest Hills.
    — The Neverest Hills is north of Strange Lake, above Lalnagar.
    — Safran is between Chickoor and Tempur.
    — Lakshmanpur is situated on {along) the west coast opposite the Bir Forest.

    Question 9.
    Look at the map below.
    You have invited three friends to a party at your house. Write three separate notes, giving them directions from 1, 2, and 3 to your house. You may use the words in the box.

    English Workbook Class 9 Solutions Unit 8 Prepositions Q9

    The directions from (1) are given here as an example

    Go down Diwan Marg and turn right down Antonio Avenue. Walk as far as the traffic lights then turn right into Mount Road. Turn first left into The Crescent and my house is on the left.
    1. The directions for route no. 1 are given in the Workbook.

    2. Come out of the station and turn right into Osborne road. Walk down this road and cross the roundabout ahead of you. Continue walking straight to the traffic lights. Don’t go straight but turn to the left and walk up this roadie, the Crescent. My house is on the right, opposite Seel Lake.

    3. Go down Pen Lane and turn the October Drive next to the Sports Field. Take the left-hand road past the park up to the Crescent. Then turn left and my house is on the right opposite Seel Lake.

    Question 10.
    Work in pairs. Put one pencil on a point on the map where you live, and put another pencil on any other point. Ask your partner to tell the direction for getting to your house.

    Prepositions of Time
    English Workbook Class 9 Solutions Unit 8 Prepositions Q10

    Question 11.
    You have recently been to a wedding. A British pen friend asks y JU to describe it. Using the words in the box, describe the different stages. Write only the body of the letter below.
    The marriage procession with the band playing music reached the bride’s house at 7.30 pm on Saturday last. The bridegroom alighted from the mare. He was welcomed by the women of the house. One woman had a big plate with an earthen lamp lighted in it. She welcomed the bridegroom with it. Then he was taken to the place where the marriage ceremony was to take place. He sat on the raised platform for some time. Then the bride came. He stood before the bride and both garlanded each other. Soon, they were seated for ‘Phere’ (taking rounds around the fire). We sat throughout the ceremony which lasted one and a half hours. At half-past eleven the bridegroom and the bride were bidden farewell. Both walked to the waiting car. The bride’s parents and relatives waved hands until they were seen. The marriage ceremony/wedding was over within 3 hours. The bride who had been her father’s dearest daughter since birth was his now as a wife. This ceremony is very important in the lives of all.

    Common Combinations Using Prepositions

    Question 12.
    Link the words from the different columns to produce meaningful sentences. One has been completed as an example. If you wish, write out the correct sentences in your notebook.

    English Workbook Class 9 Solutions Unit 8 Prepositions Q12
    He went on foot.
    She is ill in hospital (NB: Not ‘at hospital’).
    They’re so much in love.
    The Prince came by air.
    The poor animal is in pain.
    That’s enough for/at the moment.
    The style is out of date.
    They met by chance.
    The house is not for sale.
    He’s not at work.

    Question 13.
    Verbs and Prepositions

    Fill in the gaps with suitable prepositions

    1. You’re right. I agree __________ you.
    2. The conclusions are based __________ extensive research.
    3. He arrived __________ Delhi airport at 2 am and then arrived the city at 4 am.
    4. He angrily shouted __________ the pupil.
    5. “Remember the party!” she shouted __________ her friend.
    6. A differs __________ B in a number of ways.
    7. He applied __________ the teaching job but was turned down.
    8. She replied __________ his last letter.
    9. They apologized __________ breaking the vase.
    10. Do you believe __________ ghosts?


    1. You’re right. I agree with you.
    2. The conclusions are based on extensive research.
    3. He arrived at Delhi airport at 2 am and then arrived in the city at 4 am.
    4. He angrily shouted at the pupil.
    5. “Remember the party !”, she shouted to her friend.
    6. A differs from B in several ways.
    7. He applied for the teaching job but was turned down.
    8. She replied to his last letter.
    9. They apologized for breaking the vase.
    10. Do you believe in ghosts?

    Question 14.
    Adjectives and Prepositions

    Look at the table below. Decide which of the adjectives in Column A commonly go with which preposition. Tick the table as shown. (There may be more than one tick for each adjective)

    English Workbook Class 9 Solutions Unit 8 Prepositions Q14

    English Workbook Class 9 Solutions Unit 8 Prepositions Q14.1

    Question 15.
    Use the adjectives and prepositions from the box above to fill in the gaps below. Add eight sentences of your own.

    1. Mary is bad ________ Maths.
    2. Fruit is good ________ you.
    3. Ram was married ________ Beena for 10 years. They were very happy.
    4. This tool is more ________ planing wood.
    5. What good news! I’m so ________ you.
    6. He’s ________ her; she looks ill.
    7. She’s ashamed ________ her bad behavior.
    8. They are fond ________ dancing.
    9. He was absent ________ the Science Club yesterday.
    10. He is sensitive ________ criticism.


    1. Mary is bad at maths.
    2. Fruit is good for you.
    3. Ram was married to Beena for 10 years. They were very happy.
    4. This tool is more suitable for planing wood.
    5. What good news! I’m so happy for you.
    6. He’s worried about her; she looks ill.
    7. She’s ashamed/of her bad behavior.
    8. They are fond of dancing.
    9. He was absent from the Science Club yesterday.
    10. He is sensitive to criticism.

    Other Sentences

    1. I cannot wait for you.
    2. Will you drop me at the station?
    3. I shall tell you about it later.
    4. I get up at 6.00 am daily.
    5. She is clever at calculations.
    6. I am going to the market.
    7. I go for a walk daily.
    8. What are you talking about?
    Please Note :
    Ashamed commonly goes with at/about (Sentence 7)
    Fond commonly goes with of (Sentence 8)
    Absent commonly goes with from (Sentence 9)
    These adjectives are not given in the table above at D.3.

    Question 16.
    Think of a person in your class, and use adjectives + prepositions from 14 to describe him/her in about two or three sentences. Don’t give a name.

    e.g. She’s good at Maths.
    She’s keen on hiking.

    She’s very poor in English.
    She’s qualified to teach swimming.
    She’s famous for her witty remarks.

    Show your description to your partner. Let her or him guess who it is.
    Do it yourself.

    See the Workbook on Pages 116-117

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