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NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science History Chapter 12 India After Independence

Chapter 12 – India After Independence – NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science – Free PDF Download

NCERT Solutions Class 8 Social Science are the most effective solutions for students available online. These NCERT solutions structure the entire chapter so that students can feel confident about it and the activities it contains. Our subject matter experts have written NCERT Solutions Class 8 Chapter 12 in an easy-to-understand style that is also easily accessible. These study resources have been updated for the current school year. As a result, these will assist students in achieving good results on their final exams.

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    Chapter – 10 India After Independence


    Ques 1. Name three problems that the newly independent nation of India faced.

    Ans. The three problems newly independent India faced:

    i) As a result of Partition of India, 8 million people lost their homes, jobs and lands. These refugees from Pakistan had to be resettled in India.

    ii) There were around 500 princely states which had declared autonomy after the Independence and had to be persuaded to join the newly formed India.

    iii) India had great population of approximately around 345 million that was divided on the basis of caste, community, language, dress and lifestyle etc, that needed to be united as soon as possible.


    Ques 2. What was the role of the Planning Commission?

    Ans. In 1950, the government set up a Planning Commission to help design and execute suitable policies for economic development for India.


    Ques 3. Fill in the blanks:

    (a) Subjects that were placed on the Union List were _________, _________ and _________.

    Ans. Taxes, defense, foreign affairs


    (b) Subjects on the Concurrent List were _________ and _________.

    Ans. Forests, agriculture


    (c) Economic planning by which both the state and the private sector played a role in development was called a __________________ model.

    Ans. ‘mixed economy’


    (d) The death of _________ sparked off such violent protests that the government was forced to give in to the demand for the linguistic state of Andhra.

    Ans. Potti Sriramulu



    Ques 4. State whether true or false:

    (a) At independence, the majority of Indians lived in villages.

    Ans. True

    (b) The Constituent Assembly was made up of members of the Congress party.

    Ans. False

    (c) In the first national election, only men were allowed to vote.

    Ans. False

    (d) The Second Five Year Plan focused on the development of heavy industry.

    Ans. True


    Ques 5. What did Dr Ambedkar mean when he said that “In politics we will have equality, and in social and economic life we will have inequality”?

    Ans. i) Many Indians contributed to the framing of the constitution. ii) The most important role was played by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. He was the Chairman of the Drafting Committee, and under whose supervision the document was finalised iii) He pointed out that political democracy had to be accompanied by economic and social democracy. iv) Giving the right to vote would lead to the removal of inequalities between the rich and poor or between upper and lower castes. v) In politics we have equality and in social and economic life we will have inequality. In politics we will be recognising the principle of one man, one vote and one value. In our social and economic life, we shall, by reason of our social and economic structure, continue to deny the principle of one man one value. vi) Proper distribution of resources and income is necessary to overcome inequality in social and economic life.


    Ques 6. After Independence, why was there a reluctance to divide the country on linguistic lines?

    Ans. i) In the 1920s, the Indian National Congress in the beginning had promised that after independence, each major linguistic group would have its own province.

    ii) India got independence at the cost of its division. This division had been done on the basis of religion.

    iii) As a result of this division more than a million people had been killed in riots between Hindus and Muslims.

    iv) In such circumstances, it was not wise to further divide the country on the basis of language.

    v) Therefore both Prime Minister Nehru and Deputy Prime Minister Patel were against the creation of linguistic states.


    Ques 7. Give one reason why English continued to be used in India after Independence.

    Ans. English continued to be used in India after Independence because of the opposition against Hindi in South Indian States. Therefore, it was only way to continue the English in the various fields of the government.


    Ques 8. How was the economic development of India visualised in the early decades after Independence?

    Ans. i) When India became independent, the domestic industries had been ruined during the British period. The country had Scarcity of food grains.

    ii) In 1950, the government set up a planning commission to help and execute suitable policies for economic development.

    iii) In 1956, the second five year plan was formulated.

    iv) This plan focused strongly on the development of heavy industries like steel and on the building of large dams.

    v) These sectors would be under the control of the state.

    vi) The focus on heavy industry and the effort at state regulation of the economy was to guide economic policy for the next few decades.


    Ques 9. Who was Mira Behn? Find out more about her life and her ideas.

    Ans. i) Mira Behn (1892-1982) was the daughter of a British Admiral. Her real name was Madeline Shade.

    ii) She left England to live and work with Mahatma Gandhi.

    iii) She devoted her life to human development, the advancement of Gandhiji’s principles and to the freedom struggle.

    iv) She was awarded the Padma Vibhushan in 1982.


    Ques 10. Find out more about the language divisions in Pakistan that led to the creation of the new nation of Bangladesh. How did Bangladesh achieve independence from Pakistan?

    Ans. i) After division of India in 1947 into India and Pakistan (West and East), the urdu speaking rulers of West Pakistan remained torturing the Bengali speaking population of East Pakistan.

    ii) Revolt was made against the west Pakistan by the Bengalis.

    iii) The government committed atrocities on the Bengalis and thousands of them came to India as refugees.

    iv) The Bengali population formed Mukti Vahini under the leadership of Muzibur Rehman.

    v) India helped him and the West Pakistani army surrendered and as a result Bangladesh came into being on 16th December 1971.


    NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science History – Our Pasts-3 Chapter 12 India After Independence

    If you’re concerned about internet access, don’t be. NCERT Solutions Class 8 History Book has you covered. Our third party is in PDF format and is simple to download. They can be accessed at any time and from any location once they have been downloaded. These NCERT Solutions for Class 8 are available for download on our website and in our app. NCERT Solutions Class 8 is completely free. So, if you’re worried about a test or an exam, NCERT Solutions Class 8 is here to help. The solutions are created in such a way that they can be relied on by all pupils, whether they are gifted or average.

    Chapter 12 India After Independence NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Chapters

    After Independence, this topic was included in the curriculum of Class 8 Social Science Chapter 12. This chapter is from Part 3 of the History Book.

    If you’re a Class 8 student, you’re probably already familiar with the chapter. This chapter is on the post-independence state of India, with a focus on Indian weavers, iron smelters, and factory owners. The chapter discusses the state of Indian textiles in the European and global markets, the growth of iron and steel industries, Britain’s transformation into a global workshop, the decline of Indian textiles, cotton mills, iron and steel factories in India, and other topics.

    All of these topics are explained in layman’s terms, with illustrations and discussions as appropriate. Our subject matter specialists have efficiently developed these NCERT Solutions Class 8 Chapter 12 History, which not only make the study enjoyable but also serve as a stepping stone for further research.

    Weightage in Chapter 12 of Social Science for Class 8

    Unit II of the History curriculum for Class 8 is Chapter 12. Many of the questions in the History portion are derived from this chapter, so studying these NCERT Solutions will help students improve their exam scores. This chapter is also crucial in terms of competitive exams.

    What Is the Importance of NCERT Solutions Class 8 Chapter 12?

    • These NCERT Solutions for Class 8 are excellent tools for students who want to improve their understanding of the chapter’s subjects.
    • These solutions not only help students understand concepts but also assist them in developing a strategy to help them succeed in tests by providing a complete analysis of topics and their weighting.
    • This NCERT has been written in simple solutions to make it accessible to all students in Class 8.
    • For last-minute test preparation or a quick revision, students can blindly rely on these NCERT solutions for Social Science.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

    Q1. What was the Planning Commission’s function in post-independence India?

    The concept of a joint commission was conceived in the 1930s. In 1944, the Bombay Plan was presented, and it included some information on the Planning Commission. In 1946, Jawahar Lal Nehru convened a group that recommended appointing a Planning Commission based on the Russian development model. Similarly, on March 15, 1950, the Planning Commission was founded. It was an unconstitutional body led by India’s Prime Minister. The Planning Commission’s goal was to determine how the country’s and people’s development could be carried out and to establish five-year plans to achieve the goals set.

    Q2. Describe the issues that India faced following independence.

    Ans: Accommodation of Princely States – Prior to independence, India was divided into various states, each controlled by a different monarch or Nizam. The most difficult task was to unite these Indian states and keep them together indefinitely.

    Refugees – Following India’s partition, people who chose India left their homes, land, and other possessions in Pakistan and fled to India as refugees. Food, shelter, and other necessities had to be arranged for them, which was another major issue.

    The establishment of a political system—whether the country as a whole should have a parliamentary or presidential form of government—was also a major task.

    Q3. According to the NCERT textbook Our Pasts 3 for Class 8, what issues did India encounter after independence?

    After independence, India faced these issues –

    1. A huge percentage of refugees were unable to be rehabilitated.
    1. Assimilation was difficult for the princely states.

    1. It was difficult to maintain the country’s unity in the face of such diversity.

    Q4. According to the NCERT textbook, when did India become independent? Class 8’s past three?

    Ans: India gained independence on August 15, 1947.

    Q5. According to the NCERT textbook, what are the primary fundamental rights included in the Indian constitution after independence? Class 8’s past three?

    Ans: The following are the primary fundamental rights guaranteed by the Indian constitution after independence:

    1. Equality rights
    1. The right to liberty
    1. Right to be free of exploitation
    1. Rights to culture and education
    1. Religious liberty is a constitutional right.
    1. Constitutional remedies are guaranteed.

    Q6. According to the NCERT textbook, what was India’s degree of development at the time of independence? Class 8’s past three?

    Ans: During the independence period, the degree of development was extremely low. The majority of the population resided in villages, and urban development was quite limited.

    Q7. Where can I find NCERT textbook solutions for Indian Independence? Class 8’s past three?

    Ans: You can consult INFINITY LEARN for online solutions to the chapter Indian Independence. For all disciplines, INFINITY LEARN gives chapter-by-chapter solutions for the NCERT books. INFINITY LEARN’s solutions are completely free of charge.

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