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India vs Sri Lanka Relations

India vs Sri Lanka: Recently, the President of Sri Lanka visited India, a significant event in light of India’s neighborhood-first policy and Vision, The Security and Growth For All in the Region (SAGAR). The visit reinforced the long-standing friendship between the two countries and explored avenues for enhanced connectivity and mutually beneficial cooperation across sectors.

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    As Sri Lanka’s closest neighbor with a shared history of over 2,500 years, India and Sri Lanka enjoy close ties at the highest political level, growing trade and investment, and cooperation in diverse fields such as development, education, culture, and defense. Both countries also share a broad understanding of major issues of international interest.

    The Sri Lankan President’s visit to India was a timely opportunity to further strengthen these ties and explore new avenues for cooperation. The two leaders discussed a wide range of issues, including economic cooperation, trade and investment, infrastructure development, and security. They also agreed to work together to promote regional peace and stability.

    The visit also resulted in the signing of several agreements, including a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on maritime cooperation and an MoU on cooperation in culture. These agreements will further deepen the bilateral relationship and enhance cooperation in key areas.

    Overall, the Sri Lankan President’s visit to India was a successful one. It reinforced the long-standing friendship between the two countries and explored new avenues for enhanced cooperation. The visit is a testament to India’s commitment to its neighborhood-first policy and Vision SAGAR.

    India – Sri Lanka Relations – MoUs Signed

    Recently, several significant Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) and agreements have been signed between India and Sri Lanka:

    1. Joint Declaration of Intent (JDI) in Animal Husbandry and Dairying: Focuses on collaboration in animal husbandry and dairy production.
    2. Cooperation in Renewable Energy: Aims to enhance collaboration in the renewable energy sector, emphasizing sustainable and clean energy initiatives.
    3. Memorandum of Cooperation for Economic Development Projects in Trincomalee District: Outlines cooperation on economic development initiatives in the Trincomalee district of Sri Lanka, fostering growth and sustainability.
    4. Network to Network Agreement for Unified Payments Interface (UPI) in Sri Lanka: Agreement between NPCI International Payments Limited (NPIL) and Lanka Pay to facilitate Unified Payments Interface (UPI) application acceptance in Sri Lanka.
    5. Energy Permit for Sampur Solar Power Project: Grants permission for the Sampur Solar Power Project, contributing 100 MW of power to Sri Lanka’s energy grid.

    These agreements signify a diverse range of collaborations, including economic development, renewable energy, technology infrastructure for payments, and initiatives in animal husbandry and dairy production. They reflect the commitment of both nations to strengthen bilateral ties and promote mutual growth and development.

    History of India – Sri Lanka Relations

    India and Sri Lanka have a shared legacy of over 2,500 years, marked by cultural, religious, and linguistic exchanges. Despite some tensions in recent years, the two countries remain close partners in the South Asian region.

    1. Cultural and Religious Bonds: Long-standing cultural, religious, and trade ties dating back to ancient times. Cultural solid connections, with Buddhism playing a significant role in both countries.
    2. Financial Assistance from India: India provided approximately USD 4 billion in aid during Sri Lanka’s economic crisis 2022, crucial for overcoming the financial challenges.
    3. Debt Restructuring: India collaborated with the IMF and creditors, playing a pivotal role in restructuring Sri Lanka’s debt.
    4. Joint Vision for Connectivity: Emphasis on comprehensive connectivity, including People to People connectivity, renewable energy cooperation, logistics, port connectivity, and grid connectivity for electricity trade.
    5. Regional and Indian Ocean Context: Both countries, significant in the Indian Ocean, view their relations within a broader regional and Indian Ocean context.
    6. Economic Collaborations:
    7. ETCA and Multi-Project Petroleum Pipeline: Exploring an Economic and Technology Cooperation Agreement (ETCA) for economic integration. Agreement on a multi-product petroleum pipeline to ensure an affordable and reliable supply of energy resources to Sri Lanka.
    8. Adoption of India’s UPI: Sri Lanka adopting India’s UPI service, enhancing fintech connectivity, and using the rupee for trade settlement.
    9. Economic Ties and FDI: India is Sri Lanka’s third-largest export destination. More than 60% of Sri Lanka’s exports benefit from the India-Sri Lanka Free Trade Agreement. India is a major investor, with FDI amounting to around USD 1.7 billion from 2005 to 2019.
    10. Defence and Group Participation: Joint military and naval exercises, Mitra Shakti and SLINEX. Sri Lanka’s membership in BIMSTEC and SAARC, where India plays a leading role.
    11. Tourism: In 2022, India was the largest source of tourists for Sri Lanka, with over 100,000 visitors.

    These aspects highlight the multifaceted nature of India-Sri Lanka relations, encompassing economic collaboration, strategic partnerships, and cultural ties. The recent visit and signed agreements strengthen the historical bond and pave the way for enhanced cooperation.

    Significance of Bilateral Relations Between India and Sri Lanka

    India and Sri Lanka share a deep-rooted bilateral relationship. Geographic proximity, historical ties, cultural similarities, and economic interdependence bind the two countries.

    1. Geostrategic Significance: Sri Lanka is adjacent to India’s southern coast, with the Palk Strait as the separating waterway. This close geographical proximity has been a critical factor influencing the relationship between the two nations.
    2. Economic Significance: India is Sri Lanka’s largest trading partner and a significant source of investment. The two countries have a Free Trade Agreement (ISFTA), which has boosted bilateral trade significantly. India is also a significant provider of development assistance to Sri Lanka.
    3. Cultural and People-to-People Ties: India and Sri Lanka share a rich cultural heritage and deep people-to-people ties. The two countries have a significant flow of tourists, students, and professionals. Sri Lanka is home to a large Tamil population, many of whom have family ties in India.
    4. Security Cooperation: India and Sri Lanka cooperate closely on security matters, including maritime security, counter-terrorism, and disaster management. India has played a key role in helping Sri Lanka combat the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) insurgency.
    5. Recent Developments in India vs Sri Lanka Relations: India and Sri Lanka have strengthened their bilateral ties recently. The two countries have signed several new agreements on cooperation in areas such as trade, investment, development, and security. There have also been high-level visits between the two countries, including a visit by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Sri Lanka in 2019.

    Significance of India – Sri Lanka Relation in the 21st Century

    In the 21st century, the relationship between India and Sri Lanka is of utmost importance. As key players in the South Asian region, both countries have a shared interest in promoting regional peace, stability, and development. Close cooperation between India and Sri Lanka can also help counter China’s growing regional influence.

    Challenges in India – Sri Lanka Relations

    The relationship between India and Sri Lanka has faced several challenges over the years, influenced by a complex interplay of historical, geopolitical, and socio-cultural factors. Despite these challenges, the two nations have managed to maintain close diplomatic ties with each other.

    Fisheries Dispute

    • Issue: Longstanding disputes over fishing rights in the Palk Strait and Gulf of Mannar.
    • Consequences: Tensions arise due to arrests of Indian fishermen by Sri Lankan authorities for alleged illegal fishing.
    • Impact: Strains the relationship and leads to occasional incidents between fishermen of both nations.

    Border Security and Smuggling

    • Concerns: The porous maritime boundary contributes to border security issues and facilitates smuggling activities.
    • Challenges: Illicit trafficking of goods, narcotics, and illegal immigrants across the maritime boundary.
    • Impact: Poses a threat to the security of both nations and strains bilateral cooperation.

    Tamil Ethnic Issue

    • Sensitive Topic: The ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka, especially concerning the Tamil minority, is a historically sensitive issue.
    • Indian Concerns: India is invested in the welfare and rights of the Tamil community in Sri Lanka.
    • Impact: Strained relations if perceived violations of Tamil rights lead to diplomatic challenges.

    China’s Influence

    • Concerns: India is wary of China’s growing economic and strategic influence in Sri Lanka.
    • Specifics: Chinese investments in infrastructure projects and the development of the Hambantota Port.
    • Impact: This is viewed as a challenge to India’s regional interests, leading to strategic and diplomatic complexities.

    FAQs on Sri Lanka vs India Relations

    What is the conflict between Sri Lanka and India?

    The conflict between Sri Lanka and India is primarily due to the Tamil minority issue in Sri Lanka. The Tamils are a Dravidian ethnic group comprising about 15% of the Sri Lankan population. They have demanded greater autonomy or independence from Sri Lanka for many years.

    Who is better, Sri Lanka vs India?

    It is difficult to say who is better, Sri Lanka or India. Both countries have their strengths and weaknesses. India is a larger and more developed country with a rapidly growing economy, while Sri Lanka has a higher standard of living and a better education system.

    What is in between India and Sri Lanka?

    The Palk Strait is a narrow water body separating India and Sri Lanka. It is about 40 miles wide at its narrowest point.

    Is Sri Lanka a friend of India?

    Yes, Sri Lanka is generally considered a friend of India. The two countries share a close and deep-rooted bilateral relationship. They are bound by geographic proximity, historical ties, cultural similarities, and economic interdependence. There have been some tensions in the relationship between India and Sri Lanka recently, but the two countries remain close partners. They share some common interests, and they are committed to strengthening their bilateral relationship.

    How many Indian soldiers were killed in Sri Lanka?

    According to the Indian Ministry of Defence, 1,155 Indian soldiers were killed in Sri Lanka during the Indian Peacekeeping Force (IPKF) mission from 1987 to 1990.

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