BlogNEETImportant Topic of Chemistry: Ionization Enthalpy

Important Topic of Chemistry: Ionization Enthalpy

The energy used to withdraw an electron from a gaseous atom or ion is known as ionizing energy. The first or original ionizing force, or Ei, of an atom or molecule, is the energy required to remove one mole of electrons from one mole of separated gaseous atoms or ions. Ionization enthalpy is measured in kilocalories per mole/electron volts (eV) per atom/kilojoules per mole. Ionization energy increases from left to right in the periodic table, while ionization decreases from top to bottom. In a periodic table group, the ionization enthalpy decreases. Each consecutive electron removed has ionization energy; however, the ionization energy associated with the loss of the first (loosely held) electron is the most usually employed. The ionization energy of a chemical element is typically measured in joules or electron volts in an electric discharge tube, where a fast-moving electron generated by an electric current collides with an element’s gaseous atom, causing one of its electrons to be ejected. The magnitude of an element’s ionization energy is determined by the combined effects of the nucleus’s electric charge, the size of the atom, and its electronic configuration. Among all chemical elements, the removal of an electron is most difficult for noble gases and easiest for alkali metals because the positive charge on the nucleus of the atom does not change with each removal of an electron, the ionization energy required for the removal of electrons increases progressively as the atom loses electrons.

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    We learn about ionization energy and ionization enthalpy in this article. We investigated the periodic table’s ionization enthalpy trends. In a group moving downward, ionization enthalpy decreases, whereas, in a period, ionization energy increases from left to right. We also have some exceptions where these rules do not apply.


    The enthalpy of an element is the amount of energy required for an isolated gaseous atom to lose an electron in its ground state. The loss of electrons causes the creation of cations. The amount of energy required to remove an electron from an isolated gaseous atom in its gaseous state is defined as an element’s ionization enthalpy. The enthalpy of ionization is affected by the following factors:

    The effect of penetration

    Effect of shielding

    Configuration of electronic devices

    Penetration refers to the proximity of an electron in an orbital to the nucleus. The relative density of electrons near an atom’s nucleus for each shell and subshell can be seen. We can see that the electron density of s orbitals is higher than that of p and d orbitals by looking at the radial probability distribution functions.

    The sequence of penetration power will be 2s > 2p > 3s > 3p > 4s > 3d.

    The shielding effect is defined as the effect in which the inner electrons form a shield for the electrons in the outer shells, preventing the appropriate nuclear charge from reaching the outermost electrons. As a result, the outermost electrons have a low effective nuclear charge rather than the actual nuclear charge. The effective nuclear charge can be expressed as follows:

    Z efficient = Z–S

    The orbitals of stable elements are half-filled or fully filled. As a result, removing an electron from these orbitals will make them less stable. As a result, more energy is required to remove an electron from these orbitals. As a result, higher ionization energy.

    The periodic table must be used to calculate the ionization energy of each ion. To recognize energy ionization, it is necessary to comprehend the calculations used to calculate the amount of energy required to remove electrons. The fundamental equation of ionization energy is as follows:


    The units used to measure ionization are not always the same. Chemists refer to one mole (mol) of material when describing ionization energy. The definition is either kJ/mol or kcal/mol. The electron volt is the unit of measurement used by physicists (eV).

    The ionization energy of an atom determines how tightly it clings to its electrons. The greater the potential for ionization, the closer an electron remains. The advances in energy from ionization are diametrically opposed to those in atomic radii. In general, as the atomic radii increase, the forces of ionization decrease, and vice versa.

    Periodic trends in properties of elements- atomic radii, ionic radii, ionization enthalpy

    The systematic arrangement of elements in a periodic table reveals certain periodic trends in element properties. In a period, atomic and ionic radii, for example, decrease from left to right. Understanding the trends in fundamental properties of elements (atomic and ionic radii, ionization enthalpy, and electron gain enthalpy) will lead you to the conclusion that periodicity in properties is primarily determined by an element’s electron configuration. We can discover a relationship between chemical properties and fundamental properties of elements after thoroughly studying the concepts.

    Ionization Enthalpy

    Atomic and Ionic Radii:

    The atomic and ionic radii of elements decrease as they move from left to right in a period. They increase as you move from top to bottom in a group because the number of shells increases with the atomic number.

    Ionization Enthalpy:

    As a period progresses from left to right, the atomic radius decreases. As a result, as the size of an atom decreases, so does the attractive force between the nucleus and the outermost electrons. As a result, ionization energy generally increases across the periodic table. However, when we look at the trend of ionization enthalpy in groups, we can see that it decreases from top to bottom in a group. This is due to the fact that as the number of shells increases down the group, the outermost electrons will be further away from the nucleus, resulting in a lower effective nuclear charge. Second, the shielding effect increases down the group as the number of shells increases, resulting in a decrease in ionization energy.

    Atomic radii

    The atomic radius is the distance between the nucleus’s centre and the electron-bearing outermost shell. In other words, it is the distance between the nucleus’s centre and the point where the electron cloud’s density is greatest.

    There are three types of atomic radii:

    radius of covalent attraction

    The radius of van der Waals

    Radius of metal

    In a molecule, covalent radius is one-half the distance between the nuclei of two covalently bonded atoms of the same element. As a result, rcovalent =1/2 (internuclear distance between two bonded atoms). The bond length is the internuclear distance between two bonded atoms. Therefore, rcovalent =1/2 ( bond length)

    It is half the distance between the nuclei of two identical non-bonded isolated atoms or two adjacent identical atoms belonging to two neighboring molecules of a solid-state element. When an element is in the solid state, the magnitude of the Van der Waals radius is determined by the atomic packing. In the solid state, for example, the internuclear distance between two adjacent chlorine atoms of two neighboring molecules is 360 pm. As a result, the Van der Waals radius of the chlorine atom is 180 pm. A metal lattice or crystal is made up of positive kernels or metal ions that are arranged in a specific pattern in a sea of mobile valence electrons. Each kernel is attracted by a number of mobile electrons at the same time, and each mobile electron is attracted by a number of metal ions. The metallic bond refers to the force of attraction between mobile electrons and positive kernels. In the metallic lattice, it is one-half the internuclear distance between two adjacent metal ions. Because valence electrons are mobile in a metallic lattice, they are only weakly attracted by metal ions or kernels.

    Ionic radii

    Ionic radius is the distance from an ion’s nucleus to which it exerts influence on its electron cloud. When an atom loses or gains electrons, ions form. When an atom loses an electron, it becomes a cation; when an atom gains an electron, it becomes an anion. The ionic radius is defined as the distance between an ion’s nucleus and its outermost shell.

    A cation’s atomic size will be smaller than that of the parent atom. An anion is slightly larger than its parent atom. This is due to the fact that when an atom gains electrons, the total number of electrons increases, causing more repulsion between electrons and thus overshadowing the net effective nuclear charge.

    Isoelectronic species are atoms and ions that contain an equal number of electrons. For example, both O2-, Mg2+ have ten electrons, but they do not have the same ionic radius because their effective nuclear charge is different. The radius of a cation is smaller than that of an anion because a cation has a greater positive charge (i.e. more protons) and thus attracts the electrons in the outermost orbital with greater force, resulting in a smaller size.

    Ionization enthalpy definition

    The smallest amount of energy required to remove the most loosely bound electron from an isolated gaseous atom in order to transform it into a gaseous cation is known as ionization enthalpy. It is expressed in electron volts (eV) per atom, kilocalories per mole, or kilojoules per mole. The force of attraction between electrons and the nucleus, as well as the force of repulsion between electrons, are both factors affecting I.E. The ionization energy of a chemical element is usually measured in joules or electron volts in an electric discharge tube, where a fast-moving electron generated by an electric current collides with an element’s gaseous atom, causing one of its electrons to be ejected.

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    Why does the Van der Waals Radius always exceed the Covalent Radius?

    The attraction forces of Van der Waals are weak. As a result, the internuclear distance between atoms held together by Van der Waal forces is much greater than the distance between covalently bonded atoms. Because a covalent bond is formed by overlapping two half-filled atomic orbitals, a portion of the electron cloud is shared. As a result, covalent radii are always smaller than van der Waal radii.

    How does valency differ within a group?

    The number of valence electrons does not change as we move down in a group. As a result, all elements in one group have the same valency.

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