BlogGeneralWhy does Quality Sleep matter in Children?

Why does Quality Sleep matter in Children?

Quality Sleep matter in Children?

Quality Sleep matter in Children?

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    Why does Quality Sleep matter in Children?

    Sleep is an essential part of every individual’s routine and plays a crucial role in the growth and development of infants, toddlers, and children. Allowing kids to get critical sleep they need helps in their proper mind and body development. Studies show that children who get adequate sleep have improved memory, social behaviour, a healthier immune system, and mental health.

    The packed school schedules, after-school activities, long working hours of parents, and other lifestyle habits do not allow children to get the adequate amount of sleep they need. Missing naps, starting the day early, and going to sleep late at night could be of a great deal than it seems to be. Ultimately, they all add up, resulting in long-lasting consequences. Not getting the required sleep can lead to some serious issues like high blood pressure, obesity, and even depression in children. In this article, we will learn the importance of sleep in children and also the quality of sleep that one needs.

    What is the recommended amount of sleep that people of different age groups should get?

    The amount of sleep required is different for different age groups. Below is a list of the right amount of time and best quality sleep one should get.

    Age Groups Hours of sleep required
    Infants under 1 year 12-16 hours
    Children between 1 to 2 years 11-14 hours
    Children between 3 to 5 years 10-13 hours
    Children between 6 to 12 years 9-12 hours
    Teenagers between 13 to 18 years 8-10 hours
    Young Adults 6-11 hours
    Adults 6-10 hours
    Senior Citizens 6-8 hours

    The importance of sleep for children?

    The human body is designed and structured in an amazing way that it has an inbuilt clock deep within the brain. This internal clock is responsible for carrying out essential functions like sleep, waking up, etc. It will send signals to the mind regarding rest. When a young child receives these signals, he tends to go to sleep once he gets exhausted. Some children may struggle to sleep, as they want to stay up to play. It is when parents should pay keen attention to leave everything aside and put their children to sleep. Setting a bedtime for children is very crucial. When parents do it and stick to the time without fail, eventually, it becomes a habit. Moreover, parents can try these activities like reading bedtime stories, singing songs, etc., to put their children to sleep.

    While growing up, children tend to neglect their sleep, thinking that it is not that important. Hence, they continue to involve in their playing activities and go to sleep once they are exhausted. The problem is that when kids do not get adequate sleep at night, they will feel drowsy the next day. Also, they may tend to be inactive during the class and may not concentrate well. The best way to counter this is to speak to children and discuss the importance of sleep in their lives. Let them know and realize the benefits of having quality sleep and the consequences they are likely to face if they do not get it.

    Also read: Why Ages 2-7 Matter So Much for Brain Development?

    What are the tips to put children to sleep?

    Do you struggle to put your children to sleep? Do your children have trouble staying asleep? Well, here are some of the tips to follow that will help your kids get the recommended time of sleep.

    • Dim the lights in your child’s room.
    • Do not allow your children to use gadgets or stick to their digital screens at least an hour before bed.
    • Encourage them to take a warm bath before going to bed.
    • Involve in small family activities like reading a book.
    • Make sure your child is eating the right amount of food at the right time.
    • Set up a bedtime routine for your child.
    • Set up a wake-up time for your child.

    These tips will be effective in helping your children to get the required sleep. It is advisable to recognize the sleep problems of your child. If you notice any, talk to your child’s pediatrician and discuss the sleep habits. They may help you with suggestions to improve your kid’s sleep habits.

    Final Thoughts

    Always remember, it is the quality of sleep that matters and not the quantity. Make sure your child gets adequate sleep, as it helps in the development of young minds.

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