BiologyBodyBody MovementsStructural Joints and its Types

Structural Joints and its Types

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    • Structural Joint
    • Types of Structural Joints
      • Fibrous Joints
      • Cartilaginous Joints
      • Synovial Joints
    • Summary
    • What’s Next?

    In the previous segment, we learned about Functional joints and its types. In this segment, we will learn about Structural joints and its types.

    What is a Structural joint?

    Structural joints are the joints that are classified based on the material filled in the cavity of these joints.

    What are the Different types of structural joints?

    There are three types of structural joints: Fibrous joints, cartilaginous joints, and synovial joints.

    What are Fibrous joints?

    The fibrous joints are those where the joint structure is filled with Fibrous Connective Tissue. They are firmly held and unable to move.

    For example, Joints in the cranium, joints between fibula and tibia etc.

    Fibrous joint

    What are Cartilaginous joints?

    Cartilaginous joints are those joints where Cartilage is present in the gap. They are flexible yet firm joints.

    For example, The joints of the pubic bone of the hip bone, the joints in the vertebral column.

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