MathsTrianglesClass 9 Condition for Congruence of Triangles – Example

Class 9 Condition for Congruence of Triangles – Example

Class 9 Condition for Congruence of Triangles – Example

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    Table of Contents

    • SSS (Side – Side – Side) Congruence Condition
    • AAA Condition
    • Summary
    • What’s Next?

    In the previous segment, we proved the Converse of the Isosceles Triangle Theorem. In this segment, we will see the SSS conditions for congruence.

    What is the SSS (Side – Side – Side) congruence condition?

    SSS congruence condition says that if 3 sides of a triangle are respectively equal to the three sides of another triangle, the triangles will be congruent.

    Consider two triangles, △ABC and △PQR.

    Class 9 Condition for Congruence of Triangles

    Fig 1


    AB = PQ = 3 units BC = QR = 5 units AC = PR = 7 units

    Thus, these two triangles are congruent as all the three sides of the triangles are equal.

    △ABC ≅ △PQR.

    Can two triangles be determined congruent using AAA (Angle – Angle – Angle) condition?

    Also Read: properties of Triangle

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