BiologyLife ProcessesIntroduction to Digestive System in Human body | Function and Organs

Introduction to Digestive System in Human body | Function and Organs

Table of Contents

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    • Digestion
    • Breakdown of Food
    • Summary
    • What’s Next?

    In the first segment of the chapter ‘Life Processes’, we will get introduced to the concept of digestion.

    What is Digestion?

    The process in which the food is Taken In, then Broken Down so that our body can Absorb It, and the substances that our body cannot absorb are Thrown Out by our body is called digestion.

    Why is Food broken down?

    The food is broken down into smaller compounds so that the cells of our body can utilize it for their Growth and Repair.

    The process of breaking down food starts right in our mouth and ends at the rectum.


    Digestion Process in which the food is taken in, then broken down for absorption, and substances not absorbed are thrown out
    Breakdown of Food Breakdown of food into smaller components so that the cells can absorb them

    What’s next?

    In the next segment of Class 10 Science, we will study the concept of Nutrition.

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