BiologyMCQs on Anatomy – Introduction and MCQs

MCQs on Anatomy – Introduction and MCQs


1. Which of the following is not a muscle?

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    A) Skeletal muscle
    B) Smooth muscle
    C) Cardiac muscle
    D) Visceral muscle

    D) Visceral muscle

    Importance of MCQ


    The Importance of MCQs:

    1. MCQs help to test a student’s understanding of the topic.

    2. MCQs help to identify a student’s strengths and weaknesses.

    3. MCQs help to improve a student’s problem solving skills.

    4. MCQs help to prepare a student for examinations.

    5. MCQs help to improve a student’s critical thinking skills.

    Solved MCQs on Anatomy

    1. The junction between the semicircular canals and the vestibule in the inner ear is called the

    a. Oval window

    b. Semicircular canals

    c. Vestibule

    d. Cochlea

    c. Vestibule

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