BiologyDifference Between Plasmid DNA and Chromosomal DNA

Difference Between Plasmid DNA and Chromosomal DNA

What is Plasmid DNA?

Plasmid DNA is a type of DNA that is not found in the chromosomes of the cell. It is usually circular in shape and is found in the cytoplasm of the cell. Plasmid DNA is used in genetic engineering to create new genes or to transfer genes from one organism to another. Difference Between Plasmid DNA and Chromosomal DNA.

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    Difference Between Plasmid DNA and Chromosomal DNA

    What is Chromosomal DNA?

    Chromosomal DNA is the DNA that is located in the chromosomes. Chromosomes are the structures that make up the cells of the body and they contain the genetic information that determines how a person is built and how they function. Chromosomal DNA is the most important type of DNA because it contains the instructions for building and running the body.

    Differences :-

    Chromosomal DNA is found in the nucleus of cells and is responsible for the inheritance of genetic information. Plasmid DNA is found in the cytoplasm of cells and is not responsible for the inheritance of genetic information. Plasmid DNA is often used in genetic engineering because it is easier to manipulate .

    Similarities :-

    Similarities between these include that they are both DNA molecules and that they both encode genetic information. Additionally, both DNA can be replicated. However, there are some key differences between plasmid and chromosomal DNA. Plasmid DNA is typically smaller and it is typically circular in shape, while chromosomal DNA is linear. Additionally, plasmid DNA is not always essential for survival, while chromosomal DNA is always essential for survival.


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