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Tantalum – Introduction, Physical Properties, and Uses

Introduction to Tantalum ;

Tantalum is a chemical element with the symbol Ta and atomic number 73. It is a rare, silvery-white, hard, brittle metal that is highly corrosion-resistant. It occurs naturally in the minerals tantalite, columbite, and microlite.

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    The chemical properties of tantalum are very similar to those of niobium. They are both refractory materials that are not attacked by most acids, but are soluble in alkalis. They both have high melting points and are used as refractory materials in high-temperature applications.

    The physical properties of tantalum differ from those of niobium. Tantalum is a harder and more brittle metal than niobium. It has a lower thermal expansion coefficient and a higher density. These physical properties make tantalum better suited for certain applications than niobium.

    Physical Properties of Tantalum

    Tantalum is a grayish-white metal that is very hard and has a high melting point. It is also very dense and does not corrode in the presence of most chemicals.

    Tantalum Uses

    Tantalum is a rare, silver-gray metal that is ductile and malleable, making it a good choice for electrical and electronic applications. It has a very low resistance to corrosion and is non-toxic. Tantalum is used in capacitors, electronic circuits, and in the production of medical implants.

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