ConvertPower ConversionBTU to watts conversion

BTU to watts conversion

BTU/hr (British Thermal Units per hour) and watts are both units of power used to measure the rate of energy transfer or consumption. However, they are from different measurement systems:

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    BTU/hr (British Thermal Units per hour)

    BTU/hr is a unit of power commonly used in the United States and some other countries to express the rate at which energy is transferred or converted. It represents the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit in one hour.


    Watts are a unit of power from the International System of Units (SI). One watt is defined as one joule of energy transferred or converted per second. It is the standard unit used worldwide to measure electrical power, such as in appliances, electronics, and electrical systems.

    How to convert BTU to watts

    To convert BTU/hr (British Thermal Units per hour) to watts, you can use the following conversion factor:

    1 BTU/hr ≈ 0.29307107 watts

    Simply multiply the number of BTU/hr by 0.29307107 to get the equivalent value in watts.

    For example – Convert 4500 BTU/hr to watts

    Ans. Watts = 4500 BTU/hr / 3.412141633 = 1,318.819W

    BTU to watts conversion table

    Power (BTU/hr) Power (watt)
    1 BTU/hr 0.293071 W
    10 BTU/hr 2.930710 W
    100 BTU/hr 29.307107 W
    1000 BTU/hr 293.071070 W
    10000 BTU/hr 2930.710700 W

    FAQs on BTU to watts conversion

    How many Watts is 1 BTU?

    Using the conversion factor: 1 BTU ≈ 0.29307107 watts So, 1 BTU is approximately equal to 0.29307107 watts.

    What is 1 kW in BTU?

    To convert kilowatts (kW) to BTU, you can use the conversion factor: 1 kW ≈ 3412.14163 BTU/hr So, 1 kW is approximately equal to 3412.14163 BTU/hr.

    How many BTU is a 1-ton AC unit?

    The cooling capacity of air conditioners is often measured in BTU/hr. A ton in the context of air conditioning refers to the cooling capacity, specifically 1 ton is equal to 12,000 BTU/hr. So, a 1-ton AC unit has a cooling capacity of 12,000 BTU/hr.

    How many watts is 1 ton AC?

    To convert BTU/hr to watts, you can use the conversion factor: 1 BTU/hr ≈ 0.29307107 watts So, a 1-ton AC unit with a cooling capacity of 12,000 BTU/hr is approximately equal to: 12,000 BTU/hr * 0.29307107 watts/BTU/hr ≈ 3516.85284 watts Therefore, a 1-ton AC unit has a cooling capacity of approximately 3516.85284 watts.

    How do you convert AC BTU to watts?

    To convert air conditioner (AC) cooling capacity from BTU/hr to watts, you can use the conversion factor: 1 BTU/hr ≈ 0.29307107 watts Simply multiply the BTU/hr value by 0.29307107 to get the equivalent cooling capacity in watts.

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