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Percent and decimal are both ways to represent numbers in different forms, used in various contexts:
Percent (%)
Percent is a way of expressing a fraction or proportion out of 100. It is often denoted by the symbol “%”. For example, if you say something is 25%, you mean 25 out of every 100. To convert a percentage to a decimal, you divide the percentage value by 100. To convert a decimal to a percentage, you multiply the decimal value by 100.
Decimal is a base-10 numerical representation system using ten symbols (0-9) to represent numbers. Each digit’s position in a decimal number represents a power of 10.
It’s the most common way humans represent numbers in everyday life. Decimal numbers can include a whole number part and a fractional part separated by a decimal point.
How to convert percent to decimal
To convert a percentage to a decimal, you can follow these steps:
- Take the percentage value and divide it by 100.
- The result of the division will be the decimal equivalent of the percentage.
Here’s the formula:
Decimal = Percentage / 100
For example, let’s convert 25% to a decimal:
Decimal = 25% / 100
Decimal = 0.25
So, 25% as a decimal is 0.25.
Percent to decimal conversion table
Percent | Decimal |
0.1% | 0.001 |
1% | 0.01 |
2% | 0.02 |
3% | 0.03 |
4% | 0.04 |
5% | 0.05 |
6% | 0.06 |
7% | 0.07 |
8% | 0.08 |
9% | 0.09 |
10% | 0.1 |
20% | 0.2 |
30% | 0.3 |
40% | 0.4 |
50% | 0.5 |
60% | 0.6 |
70% | 0.7 |
80% | 0.8 |
90% | 0.9 |
100% | 1 |
200% | 2 |
300% | 3 |
400% | 4 |
500% | 5 |
FAQs on Percent to decimal conversion
How do you convert a percent to a decimal?
To convert a percent to a decimal, divide the percent value by 100. This moves the decimal point two places to the left.
What is 20% as a decimal?
20% as a decimal is 0.20.
How do you convert a decimal percent to a fraction?
To convert a decimal percent to a fraction, divide the decimal by 100 and simplify the fraction if possible.
What is 1% as a decimal?
1% as a decimal is 0.01.
What is 75% as a decimal?
75% as a decimal is 0.75.
What is 2.5 percent in decimal?
2.5 percent as a decimal is 0.025.