ConvertNumber conversionRadians to Degrees conversion

Radians to Degrees conversion

Radians and degrees are units used to measure angles. Degrees are the more common unit, where a circle is divided into 360 equal parts. Radians are an alternative unit based on the radius of a circle, with 2π radians in a full circle. They’re used in mathematics, physics, and engineering to describe rotations and angles.

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    How to convert radians to degrees

    To convert radians to degrees, you can use the following formula:

    Degrees = Radians × (180 / π)


    • Degrees is the angle in degrees.
    • Radians is the angle in radians.
    • π (pi) is a mathematical constant approximately equal to 3.14159.

    Example – Convert 6 radian to degree

    Ans. Degrees = 6 × (180 / π)

    = 6 x (180 / 3.14159)

    = 6 x 57.295

    = 343.77

    Radians to degrees conversion table

    Radians (rad) Radians (rad) Degrees (°)
    0 rad 0 rad
    π/6 rad 0.5235987756 rad 30°
    π/4 rad 0.7853981634 rad 45°
    π/3 rad 1.0471975512 rad 60°
    π/2 rad 1.5707963268 rad 90°
    2π/3 rad 2.0943951024 rad 120°
    3π/4 rad 2.3561944902 rad 135°
    5π/6 rad 2.6179938780 rad 150°
    π rad 3.1415926536 rad 180°
    3π/2 rad 4.7123889804 rad 270°
    2π rad 6.2831853072 rad 360°

    FAQs on Radians to Degrees conversion

    How do you convert radians to degrees?

    To convert radians to degrees, you can use the following formula: Degrees = Radians × (180/π). Multiply the radians value by 180 and divide by π (approximately 3.14159) to get the equivalent value in degrees.

    What is the degree measure of π in radians?

    The degree measure of π (pi) in radians is 180 degrees. This means that one full circle, which is 360 degrees, corresponds to 2π radians.

    What is the formula for converting 1 radian to degrees?

    The formula for converting 1 radian to degrees is: Degrees = 1 radian × (180/π), which simplifies to approximately 57.2958 degrees.

    What is 2π/3 in degrees?

    The value of 2π/3 radians in degrees is approximately 120 degrees.

    What is 2π/8 in degrees?

    The value of 2π/8 radians in degrees is 45 degrees. This simplifies to 1/8 of a full circle.

    What is 3π/4 radians in degrees?

    The value of 3π/4 radians in degrees is approximately 135 degrees. This corresponds to three-fourths of a full circle.

    What is 7π/4 radians in degrees?

    The value of 7π/4 radians in degrees is approximately 315 degrees. This is more than a full circle (2π radians) by 1/4 of a circle.

    What is 15π/4 radians in degrees?

    The value of 15π/4 radians in degrees is 135 degrees. This is because 15π/4 radians is equivalent to three and three-fourths of a full circle.

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