ConvertElectric charge conversionMilliampere-hours to ampere-hours conversion

Milliampere-hours to ampere-hours conversion

Milliampere-hours (mAh) and ampere-hours (Ah) are units used to measure the capacity of a battery or the amount of charge a battery can store and deliver.

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    Milliampere-hours (mAh)

    Milliampere-hours are a smaller unit of charge commonly used for smaller electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets, and small electronics. 1 milliampere-hour is equal to one-thousandth of an ampere-hour (0.001 Ah). It indicates the amount of current a battery can deliver over the course of one hour, with a milliampere (mA) being one-thousandth of an ampere (A).

    Ampere-hours (Ah)

    Ampere-hours are used for larger devices and applications like electric vehicles, renewable energy storage systems, and industrial equipment. 1 ampere-hour represents the flow of one ampere of current for one hour. It’s a measure of the total charge capacity of a battery.

    How to convert milliampere-hours to ampere-hours

    1mAh = 0.001Ah


    1Ah = 1000mAh

    Milliampere-hours to ampere-hours conversion formula

    Q(Ah) = Q(mAh) / 1000

    Example – Convert 3 milliampere-hours to ampere-hours:

    Ans. Q(Ah) = 3mAh / 1000 = 0.003Ah

    Also Read: Ah to mAh conversion

    mAh to Ah conversion table

    Milliampere-hours (mAh) Ampere-hours (Ah)
    0 mAh 0 Ah
    1 mAh 0.001 Ah
    10 mAh 0.01 Ah
    100 mAh 0.1 Ah
    1000 mAh 1 Ah
    10000 mAh 10 Ah
    100000 mAh 100 Ah
    1000000 mAh 1000 Ah

    FAQs on mAh to Ah conversion

    Is 1000mAh equal to 1Ah?

    No, 1000mAh is equal to 1Ah. The milliampere-hour (mAh) is a subunit of the ampere-hour (Ah), where 1000mAh is equivalent to 1Ah.

    What is 1mAh equal to?

    1mAh is equal to 0.001 ampere-hour (Ah). It's a smaller unit used to measure battery capacity.

    What is 3000mAh in amps?

    To convert milliampere-hours (mAh) to amperes-hours (Ah), divide by 1000. So, 3000mAh is equal to 3 amps (A).

    What is 5000mAh in amps?

    5000mAh is equal to 5 amps (A) when converted to amperes-hours (Ah).

    What is 20000mAh in amps?

    20000mAh is equal to 20 amps (A) when converted to amperes-hours (Ah).

    What is the capacity of a 10000mAh battery?

    A 10000mAh battery has a capacity of 10 ampere-hours (Ah) or 10,000 milliampere-hours (mAh).

    How to convert mAh to Ah?

    To convert milliampere-hours (mAh) to ampere-hours (Ah), divide the value in milliampere-hours by 1000. For example, 5000mAh is equal to 5Ah (5000mAh / 1000 = 5Ah).

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