BiologyCatadromous Fish Migration – Classification, Examples and Facts

Catadromous Fish Migration – Classification, Examples and Facts

Catadromous Migration

When an animal migrates from fresh water to salt water it is called catadromous migration. The opposite, when an animal migrates from salt water to fresh water is called anadromous migration. Catadromous migration is more common than anadromous migration.

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    Classification of the Migratory Fishes

    There are three main types of migratory fishes: anadromous, catadromous, and amphidromous.

    Anadromous fishes are born in freshwater, migrate to the ocean to live, and return to freshwater to spawn. Examples of anadromous fishes include salmon, trout, and eels.

    Catadromous fishes are born in the ocean, migrate to freshwater to live, and return to the ocean to spawn. Examples of catadromous fishes include salmon and eels.

    Amphidromous fishes are born in freshwater, migrate to the ocean to live, and return to freshwater to spawn. Examples of amphidromous fishes include salmon and eels.

    Catadromous Fish

    Catadromous fish are fish that live in freshwater but migrate to the ocean to breed. Once they have reproduced, they return to freshwater to live out their lives. Catadromous fish include salmon, eels, and sea lampreys.

    Example of the Catadromous Species

    Catadromous species are those that live in fresh water but migrate to the sea to spawn. Salmon are a good example of a catadromous species.

    Example of the Anadromous Species

    Anadromous species are fish that migrate between salt and fresh water. They are born in fresh water, but migrate to the ocean to grow and mature. After they reach a certain size, they return to fresh water to spawn and die. Salmon is a common example of an anadromous species.

    Interesting Facts About Migrating Fish

    Migrating fish are an interesting bunch! They are able to navigate their way through oceans, rivers and lakes with amazing accuracy. Some species of fish can even migrate up to 2,000 miles!

    The ability to migrate is an incredible feat, and it’s all thanks to the fish’s amazing sense of smell. They are able to follow chemical trails in the water that lead them to their desired destination.

    Migrating fish also have a very strong instinct to return home. This is why they are able to navigate their way back to the same spot, even after travelling long distances.

    Migrating fish play a very important role in the ecosystem. They help to keep the population of fish in check and they also provide food for other animals.

    Fun Facts on Catadromous Migration

    Catadromous migration is a type of migration in which fish move from freshwater habitats to the ocean and back again. This type of migration is seen in many different types of fish, including salmon, eels, and sturgeon.

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