BiologyBodyBody MovementsGait of a Cockroach

Gait of a Cockroach

Table of Contents

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    • Cockroach
    • Body Structures of a Cockroach
    • Locomotion of a Cockroach
      • Walking
      • Flying
    • Summary
    • Did You Know?
    • What’s Next?

    In the previous segment, we acquired knowledge about The gait of a snail. In this segment, we will study The gait of a cockroach.

    What is a Cockroach?

    Cockroach in an insect that is the most commonly found pest in houses. They have three pairs of legs and two pairs of wings.

    What is the Body structure of a cockroach?

    The body of a cockroach is divided into three major parts: The head, the thorax, and the abdomen.

    The body structure of a cockroach is very important because it helps them to survive. Cockroaches have a hard exoskeleton that helps them to protect their internal organs. They also have long antennae that help them to smell and feel their environment. Cockroaches have two pairs of wings that help them to fly. They also have three pairs of legs that help them to move around.


    The top part of the body is the head which has a pair of antennas.


    Middle section of the body of the cockroach. It is further divided into three parts.

    • Prothorax – The first pair of appendages are attached to this part.
    • Mesothorax – The second pair of appendages and the first pair of wings are attached to this part. This pair of forewings are leathery in nature and are called Mesothoracic Wings. These wings are to protect the hindwings.
    • Metathorax – The third pair of appendages and the second pair of wings are attached to it. This pair of hindwings are thin, soft, and membrane-like. Cockroaches can fly due to these hindwings.


    The lower part of the body of the cockroach forms the abdomen.

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