BlogCBSECBSE Class 10 Science Important Questions – MCQs, Case-Based & Descriptive Questions for Quick Revision

CBSE Class 10 Science Important Questions – MCQs, Case-Based & Descriptive Questions for Quick Revision

When it comes to preparing for the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) Class 10 Science examination, students often find themselves overwhelmed by the vast syllabus and the need to cover a wide range of topics. To make this process easier and more effective, it’s essential to have a strategic approach to your studies. One key strategy is to focus on important questions that can help you quickly revise and consolidate your knowledge. Here the significance of MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions), case-based questions, and descriptive questions in your Science preparation for Class 10.

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    The Importance of Focusing on Important Questions

    The tenth grade is an important milestone in an individual’s academic career. The CBSE Class 10 Science examination holds significant weight, and the scores obtained can influence the choice of future streams and career paths. To secure good marks, a well-rounded preparation strategy is required. This strategy should include not only a thorough understanding of the concepts but also practicing different types of questions.

    Some key reasons why focusing on important questions is essential

    1. Efficient Time Management

    Studying all topics in equal depth can be time-consuming, especially when you’re racing against the clock. Important questions can help you allocate your time effectively by identifying topics that are frequently covered in the exam.

    1. Better Retention

    Important questions are often selected because they encapsulate fundamental concepts and principles. Practicing them can reinforce your understanding and improve your retention of key information.

    1. Familiarity with Question Patterns

    By working on important questions, you become more familiar with the types of questions that are commonly asked in the CBSE Science examination. This can assist you in creating efficient techniques for responding to various question styles.

    Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

    MCQs are a popular type of question in CBSE Class 10 Science examinations. They test your ability to choose the correct answer from a set of options. MCQs are designed to assess your knowledge and understanding of key concepts. Here are some reasons why MCQs are important in your preparation:

    1. Quick Assessment

    MCQs allow you to test your knowledge in a short amount of time. They are especially useful for rapid self-assessment, and you can practice them in bulk.

    1. Exam Simulation

    Practicing MCQs simulates the actual exam experience. It helps you get accustomed to the format and pacing of the examination.

    1. Application of Concepts

    While MCQs may seem straightforward, they often require you to apply your understanding of concepts to real-world situations. This promotes deeper learning.

    1. Elimination Technique

    When you’re unsure of the correct answer, MCQs allow you to use the elimination technique. You can rule out options that are obviously incorrect, increasing your chances of selecting the right answer.

    Sample MCQs for Class 10 Science

    1. Which of the following is a non-renewable source of energy?
    2. a) Solar energy
    3. b) Wind energy
    4. c) Coal
    5. d) Natural gas
    1. What is the chemical formula of water?
    2. a) H2O
    3. b) CO2
    4. c) O2
    5. d) H2
    1. Which process is responsible for the formation of clouds in the atmosphere?
    2. a) Evaporation
    3. b) Condensation
    4. c) Sublimation
    5. d) Melting
    1. In the context of electricity, what does the term ‘Watt’ measure?
    2. a) Voltage
    3. b) Current
    4. c) Power
    5. d) Resistance
    1. Which of the following is a biodegradable waste product?
    2. a) Plastic
    3. b) Glass
    4. c) Paper
    5. d) Styrofoam
    1. The process of conversion of atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia by the action of nitrogen-fixing bacteria is called:
    2. a) Nitrogen fixation
    3. b) Nitrification
    4. c) Denitrification
    5. d) Ammonification
    1. Which gas is responsible for the greenhouse effect and global warming?
    2. a) Oxygen
    3. b) Carbon dioxide
    4. c) Hydrogen
    5. d) Nitrogen
    1. Which of the following is a greenhouse gas?
    2. a) Oxygen
    3. b) Carbon dioxide
    4. c) Nitrogen
    5. d) Hydrogen
    1. The pH scale is used to measure the acidity or alkalinity of a substance. A pH value of 7 indicates:
    2. a) Strong acidity
    3. b) Strong alkalinity
    4. c) Neutral
    5. d) Mild acidity
    1. Which of the following is not a primary pollutant?
    2. a) Sulphur dioxide
    3. b) Carbon monoxide
    4. c) Ozone
    5. d) Particulate matter

    These sample MCQs are just a glimpse of the type of questions you might encounter in your CBSE Class 10 Science examination. Practicing a variety of MCQs covering different topics is essential for thorough preparation.

    Case-Based Questions

    Case-based questions in the CBSE Class 10 Science exam present a scenario or a real-life situation, followed by a set of questions related to that scenario. These questions assess your ability to apply your scientific knowledge to practical situations. Case-based questions are becoming increasingly common in science examinations, and here’s why they are crucial for your preparation:

    1. Practical Application

    Case-based questions encourage you to think critically and apply your scientific knowledge to real-life situations. This reflects the practical aspect of science.

    1. Multifaceted Understanding

    When you answer case-based questions, you often need to consider various aspects of a problem. This can lead to a deeper and more holistic understanding of the topic.

    1. Problem-Solving Skills

    These questions assess your problem-solving skills, which are vital in science and in everyday life.

    1. Interdisciplinary Approach

    Case-based questions can be interdisciplinary, requiring you to integrate knowledge from different areas of science to arrive at a solution.

    Sample Case-Based Question for Class 10 Science


    You are conducting an experiment to investigate the effect of temperature on the rate of photosynthesis in plants. You have set up two identical plant setups with the same type of plant, light intensity, and CO2 concentration. However, one setup is maintained at 25°C, while the other is at 10°C.


    1. Predict the impact of temperature on the rate of photosynthesis.
    2. Explain the scientific reasons behind your prediction.
    3. What equipment and measurements would you need to conduct this experiment accurately?
    4. How would you set up a control group for this experiment?

    Case-based questions like this one challenge you to think critically and provide comprehensive answers. They also assess your experimental design skills, which are important in scientific investigations.

    Descriptive Questions

    Descriptive questions in the CBSE Class 10 Science examination require you to provide detailed explanations, describe processes, and elaborate on scientific concepts. These questions test your ability to articulate your knowledge effectively. Here’s why they are an integral part of your preparation:

    1. In-Depth Understanding

    Descriptive questions demand a thorough understanding of the topic. They require you to explain concepts and processes in detail.

    1. Language and Communication Skills

    Answering descriptive questions effectively involves good communication skills and the ability to express complex ideas clearly.

    1. Application of Scientific Language

    These questions often assess your ability to use appropriate scientific terminology and language.

    1. Conceptual Clarity

    When you can describe a concept in your own words, it demonstrates that you have a strong grasp of the subject matter.

    Sample Descriptive Question for Class 10 Science


    Explain the process of photosynthesis in plants. Include the role of chlorophyll, the reactants, and the products of the process.

    In your answer, you should describe the entire process of photosynthesis, from the absorption of light by chlorophyll to the formation of glucose and oxygen. Use scientific terms and provide a clear, well-structured response.

    Preparing for descriptive questions involves creating detailed notes and practicing writing concise and informative responses.

    Tips for Effective Revision

    Now that we’ve covered the importance of MCQs, case-based questions, and descriptive questions, here are some tips to make your revision process more effective:

    1. Create a Revision Schedule

    Organize your study materials and create a revision schedule that includes time for MCQs, case-based questions, and descriptive questions. Based on your talents and weaknesses, balance your time.

    1. Use Online Resources

    There are numerous websites, apps, and books available that provide a wide range of practice questions. Make use of these resources to diversify your practice.

    1. Simulate Exam Conditions

    Set aside some time for full-length practice tests to simulate exam conditions. This will help you manage your time and improve your test-taking skills.

    1. Seek Help When Needed

    If you’re struggling with a particular topic or question type, don’t hesitate to seek help from your teachers, peers, or online forums.

    1. Review and Self-Assess

    Regularly review the questions you’ve attempted and assess your performance. Determine your areas of need and concentrate on them.

    1. Stay Healthy

    Remember to take breaks, stay hydrated, and maintain a balanced diet. Learning effectively depends on having a well-being body and mind.

    Frequently Asked Questions on CBSE Class 10 Science Important Questions

    Why should I prioritize practicing MCQs, case-based, and descriptive questions for my Class 10 Science exam?

    Focusing on these question types is essential because they cover various aspects of your subject knowledge. MCQs help you quickly assess your understanding, case-based questions encourage practical application, and descriptive questions assess your ability to explain concepts in detail. By practicing all three, you develop a well-rounded preparation strategy.

    Where can I find reliable sources of MCQs, case-based, and descriptive questions for my Class 10 Science revision?

    You can find practice questions in your textbooks, study guides, and CBSE sample papers. Additionally, numerous online platforms, websites, and mobile apps provide a wealth of practice questions and mock tests specifically designed for CBSE Class 10 Science.

    How can I effectively manage my time while preparing for my Science exam, considering the diversity of question types?

    It's crucial to create a revision schedule that allocates time for MCQs, case-based questions, and descriptive questions. Prioritize your study based on your strengths and weaknesses, and ensure you simulate exam conditions with timed practice tests to improve time management skills.

    What are some strategies for tackling case-based questions effectively?

    When answering case-based questions, read the scenario carefully and consider all aspects of the problem. Start with a brief outline of your response and then provide detailed explanations. Ensure that you incorporate scientific terminology and structure your answer logically. Practice on various case studies to improve your problem-solving skills.

    How should I approach descriptive questions to ensure I provide comprehensive answers?

    To tackle descriptive questions effectively, create detailed notes for each topic, focusing on key concepts and processes. Practice writing concise, informative responses, and use appropriate scientific terminology. Structure your answers logically, and ensure that you provide clear explanations and examples where necessary. Review your responses to improve clarity and conciseness.

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