BlogIIT-JEEHow to Start preparation for JEE after Class 10?

How to Start preparation for JEE after Class 10?

Congratulations on completing your 10th CBSE board exams. This milestone marks the beginning of a crucial period in your academic journey, as you prepare to take on the challenging Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) for admission to prestigious engineering colleges in India. In this article, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to start your JEE journey effectively, covering essential topics such as JEE mains, JEE advance, online JEE mains courses, CBSE syllabus, and NCERT solutions.

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    Start Your JEE Journey After 10th CBSE Board

    Starting your JEE journey after finishing your 10th CBSE exams is a big step towards getting into top engineering colleges. The JEE exam is super important for this. To do well, you need to know about JEE mains and JEE Advanced, stick to the CBSE syllabus, use online JEE courses, understand NCERT solutions, and plan your study time smartly. These are key things to kick off your JEE journey successfully. It’s all about laying a strong foundation for your future in engineering.

    Understanding JEE and Its Components

    The JEE is a national-level examination conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) for admission to undergraduate engineering programs at various institutions in India. The examination consists of two components: JEE mains and JEE advance.

    • JEE Mains: This is the first stage of the JEE, which is a multiple-choice question-based examination. It tests your knowledge in subjects such as physics, chemistry, and mathematics. The examination is conducted twice a year, and the best of the two scores is considered for the JEE advance round.
    • JEE Advance: This is the second stage of the JEE, which is also a multiple-choice question-based examination. It is conducted for the top 2.5 lakh students who qualify in the JEE mains. The JEE advance is a more challenging examination that tests your understanding of the subjects in-depth.

    Preparing for JEE – A Step-by-Step Approach

    To succeed in the JEE, it is crucial to have a well-structured study plan. Here’s a step-by-step approach to help you prepare effectively:

    1. Familiarize Yourself with the CBSE Syllabus: The CBSE syllabus is the foundation of your JEE preparation. Make sure you are well-versed with the topics and concepts covered in your 10th CBSE board syllabus. This will help you build a strong foundation for your JEE preparation.
    2. Understand the JEE Pattern and Syllabus: Familiarize yourself with the JEE pattern and syllabus. The JEE mains and advance syllabus are based on the CBSE syllabus, but the examination questions are more challenging and require in-depth understanding of the topics.
    3. Choose the Right Study Materials: Select study materials that are relevant to your JEE preparation. These can include NCERT solutions, online JEE mains courses, and practice question papers.
    4. Create a Study Schedule: Plan your study schedule carefully. Allocate time for each subject, and ensure you have enough time for self-study and practice.
    5. Practice Regularly: Practice is key to success in the JEE. Regular practice helps you build confidence and improves your problem-solving skills.
    6. Join Online JEE Mains Courses: Online JEE mains courses can be a valuable resource for your preparation. These courses provide video lectures, practice questions, and study materials that can help you stay on track with your preparation.
    7. Solve NCERT Solutions: NCERT solutions are an excellent resource for your JEE preparation. These solutions provide detailed explanations of the concepts and help you understand the topics better.
    8. Join a Study Group: Joining a study group can be beneficial for your JEE preparation. Study groups provide a platform for you to discuss topics, share knowledge, and learn from each other.
    9. Stay Motivated: Stay motivated throughout your preparation. Set realistic goals, and reward yourself when you achieve them. This will help you stay focused and motivated.


    Starting your JEE journey after your 10th CBSE board requires careful planning and dedication. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can set yourself up for success in the JEE. Remember to familiarize yourself with the CBSE syllabus, understand the JEE pattern and syllabus, choose the right study materials, create a study schedule, practice regularly, join online JEE mains courses, solve NCERT solutions, join a study group, and stay motivated. With persistence and hard work, you can achieve your goal of getting into a prestigious engineering college in India.

    JEE Journey After 10th CBSE Board FAQs

    How to start preparing for JEE after 10th?

    Understand JEE pattern, create study plan, focus on NCERT, practice regularly, join online coaching, stay motivated.

    Can I give JEE after 10th?

    No, you cannot directly appear for JEE after 10th. After completing 10th, you need to pass 11th and 12th to be eligible for JEE. The JEE exam is based on 11th and 12th syllabus.

    Do 10th boards matter for IIT?

    No, your 10th board scores do not directly impact your IIT admission. However, having a strong foundation from 10th is important for JEE preparation. Scoring well in 10th can help you get into good 11th and 12th schools.

    Can CBSE students crack IIT?

    Yes, CBSE students can definitely crack IIT through JEE. The JEE syllabus is based on NCERT books which CBSE students study. With proper planning, coaching and practice, CBSE students have a good chance of clearing JEE and getting into IITs.

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