Introduction Oxoacids: An oxyacid, also known as an oxoacid or ternary acid, is acid-containing oxygen. It is a compound containing […]
Important Topic of Chemistry: Halides
Introduction Halide definition: To form a fluoride, chloride, or potentially Tennessee compound, a halide is a binary phase in which […]
Hardy-Weinberg’s principle
Introduction Equilibrium points out that genetic and genetic diversity will remain stable from one generation to the next without disruptive […]
Inheritance of Blood Groups
Introduction Blood is a fluid that binds to the tissues and is an essential part of the circulatory system. In […]
Important Topic of Biology: Pleiotropy
Introduction Pleiotropy is a multi-faceted process due to a single gene. The word ‘Pleiotropy’ is a Greek word. Its meaning […]
Chromosome Theory of Inheritance
A brief outline Sutton discovered that chromosomes are found in matched pairs of maternal and paternal chromosomes that separate during […]
Important Topic of Biology: Down’s Syndrome
Important Topic of Biology: Down’s Syndrome Introduction Down syndrome is a genetic disorder that results in various physical and mental […]
Important Topic of Biology: DNA packaging
Introduction DNA structure was proposed by Watson and Crick. According to them, DNA is a double-helical structure consisting of […]
Important Topic of Biology: DNA replication
Introduction DNA replicates semi-conservatives and is aided by a series of enzymes. Let us consider the process of DNA replication […]
Important Topic of Biology: Central Dogma
Introduction The basic theory of molecular biology is the study of the transfer of genetic information from DNA to RNA […]