
Alleles are like pairs of instructions that live in certain spots on a special map inside cells called chromosomes. They work together to control one thing about you, like your hair color or eye color. Sometimes there are different versions of these instructions, which can make you look different from your parents. The spot where these instructions live on the map is called a locus.

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    Alleles Meaning In Biology

    Now, let’s talk about what alleles are. The term ‘allele’ originates from the Greek word ‘allos,’ which means ‘other.’ In biology, an allele refers to different versions of a gene. These versions are located at specific positions on chromosomes and determine particular traits. While alleles usually come in pairs, they can sometimes exist in more than two variations. In humans, alleles are found in pairs on chromosomes and play a role in passing down inherited characteristics.

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    Genotype of Allele

    Each pair of alleles shows the genetic makeup of a particular gene. Alleles are tiny parts tucked away in specific spots on chromosomes, which are like the building blocks of an organism’s genetic structure. Collectively, all these alleles determine an organism’s genotype, essentially its genetic makeup. Genotypes come in two main flavors.

    Genotype of Allele

    When a pair of alleles in a spot are identical, we call it a homozygous genotype. But when the alleles in that spot differ, it’s termed a heterozygous genotype. In a homozygous setup, neither allele takes dominance over the other; they’re equal players. However, in a heterozygous genotype, one allele takes charge over the other. This means the dominant allele’s traits shine through while the recessive one takes a back seat.

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    Difference Between a Gene and an Allele

    Genes and alleles are important in genetics but they have different jobs. Genes are like instructions in DNA that tell our bodies how to make proteins or functional RNA. They’re super important for how our bodies work. Alleles are just different versions of these genes, and they’re what give us different traits like eye color. Knowing the difference between genes and alleles helps us understand how genetics works.

    Difference Between a Gene and an Allele

    Gene Allele
    A gene is a short sequence of DNA encoding for a certain trait Alleles are different variants of a gene
    Genes determine traits in an individual Alleles are responsible for diverse features of a given trait
    A gene can have many different alleles An individual contains a pair of alleles for a particular gene, which may be homozygotes, heterozygotes, dominant or recessive
    Examples: skin, hair or eye colour Examples: Black, brown, blue or green eyes colour

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    Alleles FAQs

    What is in an allele?

    An allele is a variant form of a gene, found at a specific location on a chromosome, that determines a particular trait or characteristic.

    What is the difference between a gene and an allele Class 10?

    In Class 10, you learn that a gene is a segment of DNA that codes for a specific protein or trait, while an allele is a specific form of a gene, which can vary and determine different traits.

    What is the difference between allele and gene?

    A gene is a segment of DNA that carries the instructions for a specific trait, while an allele is one of the possible variations of that gene, which can determine different expressions of the trait.

    Is TT a gene or allele?

    TT represents a genotype, indicating that both alleles for a particular gene are the same. In this case, TT could represent a gene if it refers to a specific locus, or it could represent an allele if it refers to a specific variant of a gene.

    What are examples of alleles?

    Examples of alleles include variations like Tall and Short for the gene that determines plant height in peas, or Brown eyes and Blue eyes for the gene that determines eye color in humans.

    Are alleles more than one gene?

    No, alleles are not more than one gene. Alleles are different versions of the same gene found at the same locus on homologous chromosomes. Each gene typically has two alleles, one inherited from each parent.

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