MathsSimple EquationsAlgebraic ExpressionsClass 7 Maths Algebra | what is algebra? what are letters used in algebra?

Class 7 Maths Algebra | what is algebra? what are letters used in algebra?

Class 7 Maths algebra | what is algebra?

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    Table of Contents

    • Algebra
    • Significance of Letters in Algebra
    • Advantages of using Variables
    • Summary
    • Did You Know?
    • What’s Next?

    In the previous segment of the chapter Data Handling, we looked at graphs. In this segment, of the chapter Simple Equation, we will learn about Algebra.

    What is Algebra?

    Algebra is the branch of mathematics in which letters are used to represent numbers and quantities in equations and formulas.

    For example,

    • ? + ? = 19
    • 3?2 = ? + 10
    • ?2 + ?2 = 25

    We can represent any number using a letter. Hence, the letters are known as variables as their value can vary with different equations. The values of these letters are unknown to us and hence called as unknowns.

    Why are letters used in algebra?

    If we have to represent many unknown quantities in an equation, letters make it easy to represent these unknowns than anything else such as geometric shapes.

    What is the advantage of using variables?

    Variables help to communicate mathematical ideas clearly and briefly. For example,

    Consider the following case:

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