A mass M is hung with a light inextensible string as shown in the figure. Find the tension of the horizontal string.                                     

A mass M is hung with a light inextensible string as shown in the figure. Find the tension of the horizontal string.                                     

  1. A


  2. B


  3. C

    2 Mg

  4. D

    3 Mg

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    As there is a load at P, so tension in AP and PB will be different. Let these be T2 and T1, respectively. For vertical equilibrium at P,

    T1cos60°=Mg, i.e. T1=2Mg                 .......(i)

    and for horizontal equilibrium at P,

    T2 = T1 sin 600 = T1 (3/2)

    Substituting the value of T1 from Eq. (i), we get


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