Study MaterialsImportant QuestionsCBSE Extra Questions – Class 10 Disaster Management Tsunami The Killer Wave

CBSE Extra Questions – Class 10 Disaster Management Tsunami The Killer Wave

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    Tsunami The Killer Wave


    What is a Tsunami?
    The word tsunami is derived from the Japanese words ‘Tsu’, which means harbour, and ‘nami,’ which means waves. As a result, tsunami signifies ‘harbour waves.’ Undersea earthquakes and other disturbances generate these killer waves.


    Give a brief description of the tsunami that hit the Indian shores on 26th December 2004.
    The epicentre of an underwater earthquake off the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia, occurred on December 26, 2004. The earthquake generated a series of disastrous tsunamis off the coasts of most Indian Ocean-bound countries. In eleven countries, 225,000 people were slain.

    What are the precautions people living in tsunami-prone areas should take?
    People who reside in tsunami-prone locations should keep a safe distance from the coast. They should raise their homes so that property is only damaged to a minimum in the case of a tsunami.
    They should reside in houses that can withstand the killer waves’ onslaught.
    To prevent floods in the surrounding areas, a good drainage system should be installed.
    People should be able to listen to the radio and watch television in order to be alerted of oncoming danger. The most important thing to remember in an emergency is to follow the instructions given to you.

    What are the precautions people on land should take when tsunami warnings are given?
    When a tsunami warning is issued, the entire family should move to a safer location as soon as possible. In a multi-story building, people should move to the top floors. They should have a catastrophe preparedness kit on hand.
    Cattle owners should bring their animals. Rivers that flow into the sea should be avoided since the seawater will flood inland through these rivers.
    They should stay up to date on the issue by listening to the radio or watching television.
    They should evacuate the low-lying coastal areas and travel inland.

    State preparedness measures that should be taken before a tsunami.
    Because tsunamis are natural disasters that cannot be avoided, the greatest thing one can do is prepare for them and guarantee that everyone is safe.
    The government can identify locations that are vulnerable to tsunamis. Tsunami education should be provided to residents in these places. They should be aware of the evacuation routes in the event that a tsunami strikes the coast.
    Mock evacuation drills should be held on a regular basis to ensure that everyone is aware of the situation.
    The government should prepare plans for adequate provision in the event of an emergency.
    In the case of a tsunami, residents in tsunami-prone locations should know how to contact friends or relatives who live in risk-free places.

    What is a tsunami? Give a brief description of the tsunami that hit the Indian shores on 26th December 2004.
    The word tsunami is derived from the Japanese words ‘Tsu’, which means harbour, and ‘nami,’ which means waves. As a result, tsunami signifies ‘harbour waves.’ These killer waves are caused by undersea earthquakes and other disturbances.
    The epicenter of an underwater earthquake off the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia, occurred on December 26, 2004. The earthquake generated a series of disastrous tsunamis off the coasts of most Indian Ocean-bound countries. In eleven countries, 225,000 people were slain.

    What are the precautions people living in tsunami-prone areas should take?
    People who reside in tsunami-prone locations should keep a safe distance from the coast. They should raise their homes so that property is only damaged to a minimum in the case of a tsunami.
    They should reside in houses that can withstand the killer waves’ onslaught.
    To prevent floods in the surrounding areas, a good drainage system should be installed.
    People should be able to listen to the radio and watch television in order to be alerted of oncoming danger. The most important thing to remember in an emergency is to follow the instructions given to you.

    What are the precautions people on land should take when tsunami warnings are given?
    When a tsunami warning is issued, the entire family should move to a safer location as soon as possible. In a multi-story building, people should move to the top floors. They should have a catastrophe preparedness kit on hand.
    Cattle owners should bring their animals. Rivers that flow into the sea should be avoided since the seawater will flood inland through these rivers.
    They should evacuate the low-lying coastal areas and travel inland.
    They should stay up to date on the issue by listening to the radio or watching television.

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