Nervous System of Cockroach

Introduction: As in humans, how the nervous system is useful for locomotion, reflexes in that way the nervous system is […]

Classification of Plants 

Introduction: Historically, the factory area encompassed all living effects that weren’t creatures, and included algae and fungi; still, all current […]

Protista and Fungi

Introduction: Protists and Fungi are two species of eukaryotic species. What do they have in common? Protists are the first […]

Five Kingdom Features

Introduction: Millions of species live on our planet, but did you know that they are divided into five separate kingdoms? […]


Introduction: The five kingdom classification that we are studying now is not the initial one. Linnaeus first came up with […]

Botanical Garden

Introduction: Botanica garden is an area of collection, cultivation, protection, and displaying a wide range of plant species with their […]

Study of Taxonomy

Introduction: Taxonomical resources are collections of samples or stored organisms that assist in comprehensive research to identify variations of the […]

Binomial Nomenclature

Introduction: The binomial nomenclature system was introduced by Carl Linnaeus. Many local names make it very difficult to identify a […]

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