MathsAlgebraic ExpressionClass 7 Maths Algebra | Counting Terms

Class 7 Maths Algebra | Counting Terms

Class 7 Maths Algebra | Counting Terms

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    Table of Contents

    • Coefficient of a Term
    • Counting Terms
    • Summary
    • What’s Next?

    In the previous segment of Class 8 Maths, we learnt what a Term is. In this segment, we will learn how to count terms.

    What is the Coefficient of a term?

    The constant multiplied to a variable or variables in a term is known as the Coefficient of that term.

    For example,

    • In the term 4x, 4 is the coefficient of x.
    • In the term 15?3, 15 is the coefficient of ?3.
    • In the term 2xy, 2 is the coefficient of xy.

    When there are no constants multiplied to a variable in a term, then the coefficient is considered as 1.

    For example,

    • In the term xy, the coefficient is 1.
    • In the term ?, the coefficient is 1.?

    How to count terms?

    If an expression consists of multiple terms, then these terms will always be separated by a plus (+) or a minus (-) sign.

    For example,

    • Consider the term 13x + 6.

    The terms 13x and 6 are separated by a plus sign. Hence, there are two terms: 13x and 6.

    • Consider the term 19?2 + 16? − 3?.
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