MathsSimple EquationsLinear EquationsSolution of a Linear Equation

Solution of a Linear Equation

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    • Coefficient of a Term
    • Equations
    • Summary
    • What’s Next?

    In the previous segment of the chapter ‘Simple Equations,’ we saw what is an equation. In this segment, we will learn about the solutions of the linear equation.

    What is the Solution of an equation?

    An equation is said to be satisfied when its L.H.S. is equal to R.H.S after replacing the variable with a numerical value.

    The value of a variable that can satisfy an equation is called the Solution of that equation. For example,

    Consider the equation 6? + 3 = 21

    When ? = 3 is put in the L.H.S, of this equation, then

    ?. ?. ?. = 6(3) + 3 = 18 + 3 = 21 = ?. ?. ?.

    Thus, ? = 3 satisfies the equation 6? + 3 = 21.

    Hence, ? = 3 is the solution of the equation 6? + 3 = 21.

    What is a Linear equation in one variable?

    An equation that consists of only one variable and whose highest power in the equation is 1 is called a Linear equation in one variable. They are also called as First degree equations in one variable.

    For example,

    • 6? + 45 = 81
    • 17? = 10
    • ? − 6 = 4

    Also Read: Class 7 Maths Algebra | Counting Terms

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