MathsPolynomialsFactors PartClass 9 Factorization of a polynomial | What are Zeroes of a polynomial?

Class 9 Factorization of a polynomial | What are Zeroes of a polynomial?

Introduction to Polynomials

Polynomials are mathematical expressions that consist of variables and coefficients, combined using addition, subtraction, and multiplication operations. They are an essential part of algebra and are widely used in various branches of mathematics.
In this blog post, we will focus on two important aspects of polynomials: factorization and zeros. Factorization is the process of breaking down a polynomial into a product of simpler polynomials, while zeroes are the values of the variable for which the polynomial equals zero.
This blog post is specifically designed for Class 9 students who are learning about polynomials and their properties. By the end of this post, you will have a better understanding of factorization and zeroes, and how to apply these concepts to solve problems.

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    What are Polynomials?

    A polynomial is an expression that consists of variables and coefficients, combined using addition, subtraction, and multiplication operations. The variables are usually represented by letters, such as x, y, or z, and the coefficients are numbers that multiply the variables. Here are some examples of polynomials:

    1. 3x^2 + 2x – 1
    2. 5y^3 – 2y^2 + 4y – 1
    3. 7z^4 + 3z^2 – 2z + 5

    In these examples, the variables are x, y, and z, and the coefficients are the numbers that multiply the variables.

    Factorization of Polynomials

    Factorization is the process of breaking down a polynomial into a product of simpler polynomials. This process is important because it can help you solve equations and simplify expressions. There are several methods for factoring polynomials, such as:

    1. Factoring by grouping
    2. Factoring using the difference of two squares
    3. Factoring using the sum or difference of two cubes
    4. Factoring using the quadratic formula

    Here we will focus on factoring by grouping and using the difference of two squares.

    Zeroes of Polynomials

    The zeroes of a polynomial are the values of the variable for which the polynomial equals zero. In other words, they are the solutions to the equation p(x) = 0, where p(x) is the polynomial. Finding the zeroes of a polynomial is important because it can help you graph the polynomial and solve equations involving the polynomial. There are several methods for finding the zeroes of a polynomial, such as:

    1. Factoring the polynomial and setting each factor equal to zero
    2. Using the quadratic formula for quadratic polynomials
    3. Using the rational root theorem for polynomials with integer coefficients

    In this blog post, we will focus on finding the zeroes of polynomials by factoring them.

    How to Find the Factor of a Polynomial?

    If a polynomial can be written as a product of two polynomials, then these are known as the factors of the original polynomial.

    Each factor of a polynomial shows the following characteristics:

    • The degree will be less than the degree of the polynomial.
    • It cannot be factorized further.

    For example, Consider ?2 + 3? + 2.

    ?2 + 3? + 2 = (x+1)(x+2)

    Thus, (x+1) and (x+2) are the factors of (?2 + 3? + 2

    • (x+1) and (x+2) have degree 1, which is less than that of the polynomial, which has degree 2.
    • (x + 1) and (x+2) are in the simplest form and cannot be factored further.

    What are the Zeros of a polynomial?

    The zeroes of a polynomial are the values of the variable (usually x) that make the polynomial equal to zero. In other words, if you have a polynomial P(x), the zeroes are the solutions to the equation P(x) = 0. For example, if P(x) = x2 – 4, the zeroes are the values of x that satisfy x2 – 4 = 0.

    Relationship Between Zeroes and Factors

    There is a strong relationship between the zeros of a polynomial and its factors. If r is a zero of the polynomial P(x), then (x – r) is a factor of P(x). This means that you can express the polynomial as a product of its factors. For example, if the zeroes of P(x) are r1 and r2, then you can write:

    P(x) = k(x - r1)(x - r2)

    where k is a constant.

    How to Find Zeroes of a Polynomial

    1. By Factoring

    Factoring is one of the simplest methods to find the zeroes of a polynomial. You look for factors that can be set to zero.

    Example: Find the zeroes of P(x) = x2 – 5x + 6.

    1. Step 1: Factor the polynomial.
      P(x) = (x – 2)(x – 3)
    2. Step 2: Set each factor to zero.
      x – 2 = 0 → x = 2
      x – 3 = 0 → x = 3

    Zeroes: x = 2 and x = 3.

    2. Using the Quadratic Formula

    For quadratic polynomials (polynomials of the form ax2 + bx + c), you can use the quadratic formula to find the zeroes:

    x = (-b ± √(b2 - 4ac)) / 2a

    Example: Find the zeroes of P(x) = 2x2 – 4x – 6.

    1. Step 1: Identify a, b, and c.
      a = 2, b = -4, c = -6
    2. Step 2: Calculate the discriminant b2 – 4ac.
      (-4)2 – 4 × 2 × (-6) = 16 + 48 = 64
    3. Step 3: Use the quadratic formula.
      x = (4 ± √64) / 4
    4. Step 4: Solve for x.
      x = 12/4 = 3 and x = -4/4 = -1

    Zeroes: x = 3 and x = -1.

    Practice Problems

    1. Find the zeroes of P(x) = x2 – 7x + 10 by factoring.
    2. Use the quadratic formula to find the zeroes of P(x) = 3x2 + 6x + 3.
    3. Determine the zeroes of P(x) = x2 + 4x + 4 by factoring.


    Understanding the zeroes of a polynomial is crucial in algebra. By learning how to find these zeroes through factoring and the quadratic formula, you can solve many mathematical problems more easily.

    FAQs on Factorization of a Polynomial

    What is the trick to factoring polynomials?

    The trick to factoring polynomials involves breaking down the polynomial into simpler factors that, when multiplied together, give you the original polynomial. One common trick is to look for common factors in each term of the polynomial and factor them out. Another useful trick is to recognize special patterns such as the difference of squares, perfect square trinomials, and the sum or difference of cubes.

    What is the formula for factorization?

    There isn't just one formula for factorization since different types of polynomials require different methods. However, here are some common formulas: The difference of squares formula is a^2-b^2=(a−b)(a+b). The perfect square trinomial formulas are a^2+2ab+b^2 = (a^2+b^2).

    How to find factorization?

    To find the factorization of a polynomial, first look for a common factor in all terms and factor it out. Next, check for any special patterns like the difference of squares or perfect square trinomials. For quadratic polynomials (ax^2 + bx + c)), find two numbers that multiply to ac and add to b. For higher degree polynomials, use synthetic division or the factor theorem to find one factor, then factor the remaining polynomial.

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