UncategorizedPraseodymium – Atomic Number, Properties and Uses

Praseodymium – Atomic Number, Properties and Uses

Praseodymium: Summary in Tabular form ;

Element Praseodymium

Atomic Number 59

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    Atomic Weight 140.9

    Melting Point 1400

    Boiling Point 2700

    Density 7.01

    Praseodymium is a silver-white metal that is very soft. It is a member of the lanthanide series of elements. It has a boiling point of 2700 degrees Celsius and a density of 7.01 grams per cubic centimeter.

    Praseodymium is a chemical element with the symbol Pr and atomic number 59. It is a soft, malleable, silvery-white metal that tarnishes slowly in the air and oxidizes superficially to a greenish tinge. It is the lightest of the rare-earth metals and the most reactive.

    Praseodymium is not found free in nature but is usually found in the minerals monazite and bastnäsite. The metal is extracted from these ores by various chemical processes.


    Praseodymium is a soft, silver-white metal that is a member of the lanthanide series of elements. It has an atomic number of 59 and a density of 6.24 grams per cubic centimeter. Praseodymium is the lightest of the rare earth metals and has the highest melting point of the group. It is relatively stable in air but will oxidize over time to form praseodymium oxide. Praseodymium is not found naturally in its pure form but is usually found combined with other elements.

    Praseodymium is a fairly abundant element and is not considered to be a precious metal. However, like other rare-earth metals, it is becoming increasingly difficult to obtain. This is because the rare-earth elements are not found in large quantities in ores and are difficult to separate from other materials.


    Praseodymium has a few important applications. It is used as a component of neodymium-iron-boron (NIB) magnets, which are among the strongest type of permanent magnets. Praseodymium is also used in glassmaking and in the production of ceramics.

    Praseodymium has a variety of uses, most notably in the manufacture of magnets and lasers. It is also used in the manufacture of glass and ceramics. Praseodymium is also used as a colorant in various alloys and glasses.

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