Study MaterialsImportant QuestionsInformatics Practices Class 12 Important Questions Chapter 2 Open Source Concepts

Informatics Practices Class 12 Important Questions Chapter 2 Open Source Concepts

Informatics Practices Class 12 Important Questions Chapter 2 Open Source Concepts

1 Mark Questions

Question 1.
What was the objective behind developing UNICODE? (All India 2014, Delhi 2014)
Objective behind developing UNICODE was to develop a single encoding scheme that can provide unique number for each character irrespective of platform, program and language.

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    Question 2.
    Expand the following terms:
    (i) OSS
    (ii) 0DF (All India 2014)
    (i) OSS Open Source Software
    (ii) ODF Open Document Format

    Question 3.
    Expand the following terms:
    (i) WAN
    (ii) OSS (Delhi 2014)
    (i) WAN Wide Area Network
    (ii) OSS Open Source Software

    Question 4.
    What is common in all of the following software(s)? Firefox, Perl, PHP, Write one feature of the above category of software. (All India 2014C)
    FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) is common in all the given software (i.e. Firefox, Perl, PHP,
    Feature of FOSS Free availability of the source code and the right to modify it.

    Question 5.
    What is UNICODE? Name one Indian language, which is supported by UNICODE. (Delhi 2013)
    Unicode is intended to be a universal character set supporting every written script used in the world. It is a character encoding standard developed by the Unicode consortium. The aim of the standard is to provide universal way of encoding characters of any language, regardless of the computer system or platform, being used. Devanagari is supported by UNICODE.

    Question 6.
    Expand the following terms:
    (i) FLOSS
    (ii) HTTP. (Delhi 2013)
    (i) FLOSS Free/Libre Open Source Software.
    (ii) HTTP HyperText Transfer Protocol.

    Question 7.
    Write examples of one proprietary and one Open Source Software (OSS). (Delhi 2012; All India 2012)
    Example of proprietary software and open source software can be as follows: Proprietary software MS-Windows (owned by Microsoft Corporation Inc.). Open source software Linux.

    Question 8.
    Name two Indian scripts included in Unicode. (Delhi 2012, 2011; All India 2012)
    Two Indian scripts included in Unicode are Devanagari and Tamil.

    Question 9.
    Which of the following is not the characteristics of an open source software?
    (i) Its source code is available for modification
    (ii) It is owned by a company or an Individual
    (iii) It can be downloaded from Internet
    (iv) All of the above
    (ii) It is owned by a company or an individual.

    Question 10.
    Which of the following software are open source, Linux, MS-Windows 7, Photoshop, MySQL?
    Linux and MySQL.

    2 Marks Questions

    Question 11.
    Distinguish between Open Source Software and Proprietary Software. (All India 2014)
    Differences between open source software and proprietary software are as follows:

    Open Source Software Proprietary Software
    These are the software for which source code is available to customers.
    It can be modified and redistributed by anyone without any limitation.
    Source code of this type of software is not generally available.
    Modification and redistribution of these type of softwares is either not allowed or need special permission of vendor.

    Question 12.
    Mr. fayanto Das is confused between shareware and open source software. Mention atleast two points of differences to help him understand the same. (HOTS; Delhi 2011)
    Shareware is a type of software, which is available for a user with a right to redistribute for a certain period. It means officially the free use of software with a right to redistribute copies to others available only for a few days. Thereafter, license fee is to be paid.

    Whereas, open source software are that software, whose source codes are available openly to the users. The users can modify them and redistribute them without any restriction.

    Question 13.
    Ms. Vidya Chauhan is confused between proprietary software and open source software. Mention atleast two points of differences to help her understand the same. (HOTS; All India 2011)
    Proprietary software are that software, which are not freely available. This software belong to a particular company, person or group. Further distribution or modification of such software is normally forbidden or it requires special permission. Source code of such softwares are also not available. Whereas, open source software are available with its source code. It provides freedom to run and use the software. The users can modify them and redistribute copies of either original without any restriction.

    Question 14.
    Expand the terms OSS and W3C. (Delhi 2010)
    (i) OSS Open Source Software.
    (ii) W3C World Wide Web Consortium.

    Question 15.
    What are the following software used for?
    (i) PHP
    (ii) MySQL (Delhi 2010)
    (i) PHP It is a widely used programming language for the development of server-side applications and dynamic web content. PHP is easy to use and is similar to structured programming languages like C and Perl.

    It also allows interaction with many relational database management systems such as MySQL, Oracle, DB2 and PostgreSQL. It is supported by all major platforms like Linux, Unix, Windows, Mac OSX, etc.

    (ii) MySQL It is one of the most popular open source database systems. MySQL is available under general public license. It is a multi-user, multi-threaded, structured query language relational database system.

    MySQL is supported by almost all major platforms including Linux, Windows, Mac, OS/2, etc. It is the part of the most popular set of program of the world LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP).

    Question 16.
    Expand the following terms:
    (i) GNU
    (ii) SDLC (All India 2009)
    (i) GNU GNU’s not Unix.
    (ii) SDLC System Development Life Cycle.

    Question 17.
    Expand the following terms:
    (i) OSS
    (ii) SDLC (Delhi 2008)
    (i) OSS Open Source Software.
    (ii) SDLC System Development Life Cycle.

    Question 18.
    Expand the following abbreviations and explain in brief:
    (i) FLOSS
    (ii) GNU (All India 2007)
    (i) FLOSS Free/Libre Open Source Software to both free software and open source software.
    (ii) GNU GNU’s not Unix is a Unix- compatible operating system developed by the free software foundation.

    Question 19.
    Write one point of difference between freeware and free software. (All India 2007)
    Freeware Software that is available free of charge for personal use. The author retains the copyright, which means that it cannot be altered or sold.

    Examples of freeware Name of any proprietary software developed by individual/organisation to be used by others and distributed free of cost.

    Free software Software that can be used, copied, studied, modified and redistributed.

    Examples of free software GNU/Linux, Open Solaris, Apache web server, MySQL and PostgreSQL, Pango, Tomcat, Perl, PHP, Python, GNOME, KDE, Open, Office suite, Mozilla web browsers.

    Question 20.
    Define the following terms:
    (i) Freeware
    (ii) Shareware (Delhi 2007)
    (i) Freeware It generally refers to the software, which are available for free of cost. The user has no restrictions on copying and distribution of the software but the user can not modify such software because the source code is not available, i.e. Notepad, WordPad, Internet Explorer, etc. Freeware is computer software, which is made available for use of charge for unlimited time.

    (ii) Shareware It refers to the software which is made available for with a right to redistribute copies. The objective of Shareware is to make the availability of the software to as many its users as possible. But often after a certain period, a license fee is to be paid. It does not provide any source code and no modifications are allowed. Shareware has also been known as ‘try before you buy’.

    Question 21.
    Name any four Indian scripts included in Unicode.
    Following Indian scripts included in Unicode:

    • Devanagari
    • Bengali
    • Gurmukhi
    • Gujarati
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