Study MaterialsNCERT Exemplar SolutionsClass 9Lines and Angles Class 9 Extra Questions Maths Chapter 6

Lines and Angles Class 9 Extra Questions Maths Chapter 6

Lines and Angles Class 9 Extra Questions Maths Chapter 6

Class 9 Extra Questions Maths Chapter 6: Accessing important questions with solutions for Class 9 Maths Chapter 6 Lines and Angles is now made easy. Our expertly crafted questions, designed with the CBSE syllabus and NCERT book in mind, serve as a comprehensive resource to help students in their preparation for the final exam (2023 – 2024). By practicing these questions, students can reinforce their understanding of key concepts and enhance their chances of scoring well.

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    Covering topics such as angles formed by the intersection of two lines, linear pairs of angles, complementary angles, and more, these questions offer a thorough revision of the chapter’s content. Whether it’s revisiting concepts or honing problem-solving skills, students can rely on these important questions to guide their preparation.

    Let’s delve into solving these questions together to gain a comprehensive understanding of all the concepts covered in the chapter.

    Also Check: NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Maths

    Extra Questions for Class 9 Maths Chapter 6 Lines and Angles

    Download the PDF of Class 9 Lines and Angles containing extra questions crafted by subject experts. Each exercise is thoughtfully crafted to provide a progressive learning experience, enabling you to develop a strong foundation in geometry. By engaging with these exercises, you’ll not only sharpen your problem-solving skills but also gain confidence in tackling various types of questions related to lines, angles, and their properties. Whether you’re revising concepts or preparing for assessments, this collection of exercises is an invaluable resource to help your academic journey in mathematics.

    DOWNLOAD PDF HERE: Lines and Angles Extra Questions PDF Download

    Important Questions with Solutions Sample

    Question 1: In the given figure, AB || CD. If ∠1 = 65°, find the measure of ∠2 and ∠3.

    Solution: Since AB || CD and ∠1 is an alternate angle for ∠2,

    ∠2 = ∠1 = 65°

    Similarly, ∠3 is also an alternate angle for ∠1,

    So, ∠3 = ∠1 = 65°

    Question 2: In the figure below, if ∠A = 110° and ∠B = 70°, find the measure of ∠C.

    Solution: ∠A + ∠B + ∠C = 180° (Sum of angles on a straight line)

    Substituting the given values,

    110° + 70° + ∠C = 180°

    180° – 180° = ∠C

    ∠C = 0°

    So, ∠C = 0°

    Question 3: In the given figure, if a = 55°, find the value of b.

    Solution: a and b are vertically opposite angles, so they are equal.

    So, b = a = 55°

    Question 4: In the given figure, if PQ || RS, find the value of x.

    Solution: ∠PQR + ∠QRS = 180° (Linear pair)

    3x + 2x = 180°

    5x = 180°

    x = 36°

    So, x = 36°

    Question 5: In the figure, if ∠1 = 3x + 15 and ∠2 = 4x – 10, find the value of x.


    ∠1 + ∠2 = 180° (Linear pair)

    (3x + 15) + (4x – 10) = 180°

    7x + 5 = 180°

    7x = 175°

    x = 25°

    So, x = 25°

    Also Check:

    Question 6: Define what an angle is and provide examples of different types of angles.

    Answer: An angle is formed when two rays originate from the same endpoint. Examples of angles include acute angles (less than 90 degrees), obtuse angles (more than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees), and right angles (exactly 90 degrees).

    Question 7: If the measure of an angle is 45 degrees, what type of angle is it?

    Answer: It is an acute angle.

    Question 8: If two angles are complementary, and one angle measures 30 degrees, what is the measure of the other angle?

    Answer: The other angle measures 60 degrees because complementary angles add up to 90 degrees.

    Question 9: Explain what vertically opposite angles are and provide an example.

    Answer: Vertically opposite angles are formed by the intersection of two lines. They are opposite to each other and have equal measures. For example, in the figure below, angles 1 and 2 are vertically opposite angles.

    Also Check:

    Question 10: State the property of a linear pair of angles.

    Answer: A linear pair of angles is formed when two lines intersect. The sum of the measures of the angles forming a linear pair is always 180 degrees.

    Question 11: Can two right angles be adjacent angles? Explain.

    Answer: No, two right angles cannot be adjacent angles because the sum of their measures would exceed 180 degrees, which is not possible for adjacent angles.

    Question 12: If the measure of one angle in a linear pair is 70 degrees, what is the measure of its adjacent angle?

    Answer: The measure of the adjacent angle would be 110 degrees because the sum of the measures of angles forming a linear pair is 180 degrees.

    Also Check:

    Question 13: Define what perpendicular lines are and how they relate to angles.

    Answer: Perpendicular lines are two lines that intersect at a right angle (90 degrees). When two lines are perpendicular, the angles formed at the intersection are right angles.

    Question 14: Can a triangle have two right angles? Explain why or why not.

    Answer: No, a triangle cannot have two right angles. The sum of the angles in a triangle is always 180 degrees, and if two angles are right angles (each measuring 90 degrees), the third angle would have to be 0 degrees, which is not possible. Therefore, a triangle can have at most one right angle.

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