Study MaterialsImportant QuestionsInformatics Practices Class 12 Important Questions Chapter 13 Front-End Interface

Informatics Practices Class 12 Important Questions Chapter 13 Front-End Interface

Informatics Practices Class 12 Important Questions Chapter 13 Front-End Interface

1 Mark Questions

Question 1.
Define a user interface.
A user interface is a collection of techniques, styles, mechanisms, etc., to establish interaction between user and computer.

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    Question 2.
    Explain the importance of good Graphical User Interface (GUI). (HOTS)
    A good Graphical User Interface (GUI) is important for user acceptance and success of software. It must be easy to use, yet powerful and capable of performing all the required tasks. When the software and its interface is too complex, the user will not accept it.

    Question 3.
    What do you understand by a front-end?
    A front-end is the user interface that interacts with the user and collects information from the user. It provides the user screen for working with the software.

    Question 4.
    Write names of some basic controls.
    Some basic controls used in Java NetBeans are JButton, JCheckBox, JList, JRadioButton, etc.

    Question 5.
    Write the names of controls used in Java NetBeans environment for interactive displays.
    Some of controls used for interactive displays in Java NetBeans are JColorChooser, JTextPane, JTable, etc.

    Question 6.
    Write the names of some uneditable information displays.
    Some uneditable controls for information displays are JLabel, JProgressBar, JToolTip, etc.

    Question 7.
    Write names of some top-level containers.
    Some top-level containers used with Java NetBeans are JApplet, JDialog, JFrame, etc.

    Question 8.
    Write the names of some general purpose containers used in Java NetBeans.
    Some of the general purpose containers used with Java NetBeans are JPanel, JScrollPane, JSplitPane, etc.

    Question 9.
    Explain the use of JButton control.
    The JButton control is used to display a push button on the screen. When during the execution of the program, the user clicks on it, the related action or event starts.

    2 Marks Questions

    Question 10.
    Steve Antony works for HM Academy. He wants to create controls on a form for the following operations. Choose appropriate controls from TextBox, Label, RadioButton, ListBox, ComboBox, CheckBox and

    S.No. Operation Control
    1. Enter name of Employee JTextField
    2. Select Department from a list of department names JComboBox
    3. Gender out of options M and F JRadioButton
    4. Submit Form JButton

    Question 11.
    Shobit is creating a form for his company. Help her to choose most appropriate controls from ListBox, ComboBox, TextField, TextArea, RadioButton, CheckBox, Label and Command Button for the following entries: (Delhi 2014)

    • The most appropriate control to select citizenship from a list of countries is JList.
    • To allow to input grade out of ‘A’ to ‘D’ the most appropriate control is JRadioButton.
    • The most appropriate control in selecting one or many food items is JCheckBox.
    • The most appropriate control to allow entering feedback in the form of a paragraph is JTextArea.

    Question 12.
    Mr. Anurag Das working as Manager in Vivian Enterprises wants to create a form in NetBeans to take various input from user. Choose appropriate controls from Label, TextBox, RadioButton, CheckBox, ListBox, ComboBox and Command Button. Write the most appropriate controls in the third column. (Delhi 2012; All India 2012)

    S.No. Control used to Control
    1. Enter Name, Address and Salary JTextField
    2. Select Gender (M/F) JRadioButton
    3. Select Department from Available List JListBox
    4. Choose Hobbies (Singing/Dancing/Painting/Sculpture) JCheckBox

    Question 13.
    Jaina is creating a form for the practical file. Help her to choose most appropriate controls from ListBox, ComboBox, TextField, TextArea, RadioButton, CheckBox, Label and Command Button for the following entries from the user:
    (i) A message “Enter Name” in front of a text field.
    (ii) An input to choose more than one subjects from a set of given choices.
    (iii) An input for entering comments of user.
    (iv) An input for accepting the residential area out of rural and urban as option. (Delhi 2011)
    (i) To display message “Enter Name” in front of a text field, the most appropriate control is JLabel.
    (ii) To choose more than one subjects from a set of given choices, the most appropriate command is JList or JComboBox.
    (iii) To input comment for the user, the most appropriate control is JTextArea.
    (iv) To input the residential area out of rural and urban as option, the most appropriate control is JRadioButton.

    Question 14.
    Anuja is creating a form for practical file. Help her to choose most appropriate controls from ListBox, ComboBox, TextField, TextArea, RadioButton, CheckBox, Label and Command Button for the following entries from the user
    (i) A message “Enter Marks” in front of a text field.
    (ii) An input to choose more than one subjects from a set of a given choice.
    (iii) An input for entering remarks.
    (iv) An input for accepting gender. (All India 2011)
    (i) The most appropriate control for displaying message “Enter Marks” in front of a text field is JLabel.
    (ii) The most appropriate control to choose more than one subjects from a set of given choices is JList or JComboBox.
    (iii) The most appropriate control for entering remarks is JTextArea.
    (iv) The most appropriate control to accept gender is JRadioButton.

    Question 15.
    Namita works for a store. She wishes to create controls on a form for the following functions. Which controls should she use? Choose appropriate controls from TextBox, Label, OptionButton, CheckBox, ListBox, ComboBox, CommandButton. (HOTS; Delhi 2011C)

    S.No. Control used to Control
    1. Enter Customer Code JTextField
    2. Choose Product bought from a list of product JList
    3. Enter Quantity bought JTextField
    4. Submit Form JButton

    Question 16.
    Suruchi works for a Shopping Mart. She wants to create controls on a form for the following operations: Choose most appropriate controls out of TextBox, Label, RadioButton, ListBox, ComboBox, CheckBox and CommandButton.

    S.No. Operation Control
    1. Enter the Item Code JTextField
    2. Select Item Size (from a list of sizes) JComboBox
    3. Enter Quantity JTextField
    4. Submit the Form JButton

    Question 17.
    Define a front-end of an information system.
    This is the user interface that the user sees and which is responsible for interacting with the user. The front-end is responsible for receiving user’s queries, requests, etc., and passing it over the back-end. The front-end basically includes graphical user interfaces and the input forms, through which users interact with the system. The interface allows users to issue commands to the system and view the results and in case of the input forms, enter and modify data.

    Question 18.
    Rohini wants to create an interface for the following. Suggest her the most appropriate command out of TextField, RadioButton, CheckBox, ListBox, TextArea.
    (i) To accept name from the user.
    (ii) To select Gender (M/F) from the user.
    (iii) To display a message “Enter Name” in front of a text field.
    (iv) To submit the form.
    (i) The most appropriate control to accept name from the user is JTextField.
    (ii) The most appropriate control to select gender is JRadioButton.
    (iii) The most appropriate control to display a message “Enter Name” in front of a text field is J Label.
    (iv) The most appropriate control to submit the form is JButton.

    Question 19.
    Vineet developing one application for Sales Department. He wants to create some controls on a form for the following functions. Choose appropriate controls from TextField, TextArea, Label, RadioButton, CheckBox, ListBox, ComboBox, Button, OptionPane, DialogBox, Menu items.

    S.No. Control used to Control
    1. Select Dr/Cr JRadioButton
    2. Enter Particulars JTextArea
    3. Enter party or item name JTextField
    4. Clear all entries JButton

    Question 20.
    Kritika wants to create an interface for the following. Suggest her the most appropriate command out of TextField, RadioButton, CheckBox, ListBox, TextArea.
    (i) To accept Product Name from the user out of given list of options.
    (ii) To select Gender (M/F) from the user.
    (iii) To select more than one options for hobbies out of given options.
    (iv) To clear the fields of the form.
    (i) The most appropriate control to accept the product name from the user out of a given list of options is JList or JComboBox.
    (ii) The most appropriate control to select Gender(M/F) is JRadioButton.
    (iii) The most appropriate control to select one or more options for hobbies is JCheckBox.
    (iv) The most appropriate control to clear the form is JButton.

    Question 21.
    Manoj is developing one application for accounting purpose. He wants to create some controls on a form for the following functions. Choose appropriate controls from TextField, TextArea, Label, RadioButton, CheckBox, ListBox, ComboBox, Button, OptionPane, DialogBox, Menultem.

    S.No. Control used to Control
    1. Select Customer name from list JComboBox
    2. Select the type of sales(cash/credit) JRadioButton
    3. Enter quantity and price JTextField
    4. Calculation of total amount JButton

    Question 22.
    Tanuja wants to create an interface for the following. Suggest her the most appropriate command out of TextField, RadioButton, CheckBox, ListBox, TextArea.
    (i) To accept Name, Address, Phone Number from the user.
    (ii) To select Gender (M/F) from the user.
    (iii) To accept address from the user.
    (iv) To clear the fields of the form.
    (i) The most appropriate control to accept Name, Address, Phone Number from the user is JTextField.
    (ii) The most appropriate control to select Gender(M/F) is JRadioButton.
    (iii) The most appropriate control to accept address from the user is JTextArea.
    (iv) The most appropriate control to clear the form is JButton.

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