ConvertNumber conversionFraction to decimal converter

Fraction to decimal converter


A fraction is a mathematical representation of a part of a whole, expressed as a ratio of two numbers: a numerator (top number) and a denominator (bottom number). Fractions can represent values between integers and are commonly used to describe parts, proportions, or divisions.

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    A decimal, on the other hand, is a number that includes a decimal point to indicate a fraction of a whole number. It is a way of expressing fractions in base-10 notation. Decimals are used to represent real numbers in a more precise manner and are commonly used in calculations involving measurements, money, and scientific values.

    How to convert fraction to decimal

    To convert a fraction to a decimal, you can use division or a calculator. Here’s the step-by-step process using division:

    1. Long Division Method

    Let’s say you have a fraction like 3/4 and you want to convert it to a decimal.

    • Divide the numerator (top number) by the denominator (bottom number).
    • Write down the quotient and continue dividing if necessary until the division either terminates or repeats.

    Example: Convert 3/4 to a decimal.

    Solution: 0.75
    4 | 3.00
    – 0
    – 28
    – 20

    The result is 0.75.

    2. Calculator Method

    Most calculators have a division function that allows you to directly convert fractions to decimals. You can simply enter the fraction (numerator divided by denominator) and obtain the decimal result.

    Example: Convert 5/8 to a decimal using a calculator

    Ans. 5 ÷ 8 = 0.625

    Fraction to decimal conversion table

    Fraction Decimal
    1/2 0.5
    1/3 0.33333333
    2/3 0.66666667
    1/4 0.25
    2/4 0.5
    3/4 0.75
    1/5 0.2
    2/5 0.4
    3/5 0.6
    4/5 0.8
    1/6 0.16666667
    2/6 0.33333333
    3/6 0.5
    4/6 0.66666667
    5/6 0.83333333
    1/7 0.14285714
    2/7 0.28571429
    3/7 0.42857143
    4/7 0.57142858
    5/7 0.71428571
    6/7 0.85714286
    1/8 0.125
    2/8 0.25
    3/8 0.375
    4/8 0.5
    5/8 0.625
    6/8 0.75
    7/8 0.875
    1/9 0.11111111
    2/9 0.22222222
    3/9 0.33333333
    4/9 0.44444444
    5/9 0.55555556
    6/9 0.66666667
    7/9 0.77777778
    8/9 0.88888889
    1/10 0.1
    2/10 0.2
    3/10 0.3
    4/10 0.4
    5/10 0.5
    6/10 0.6
    7/10 0.7
    8/10 0.8
    9/10 0.9
    1/11 0.09090909
    2/11 0.18181818
    3/11 0.27272727
    4/11 0.36363636
    5/11 0.45454545
    6/11 0.54545454
    7/11 0.63636363
    8/11 0.72727272
    9/11 0.81818181
    10/11 0.90909091

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    FAQs on Fraction to decimal

    How do you convert a fraction to a decimal?

    To convert a fraction to a decimal, divide the numerator (the top number) by the denominator (the bottom number) using division. The result of the division will give you the decimal equivalent of the fraction.

    What is 3/5 as a decimal?

    The decimal equivalent of 3/5 is 0.6. To get this, divide 3 by 5: 3 ÷ 5 = 0.6.

    What is 3/4 written as a decimal?

    The decimal equivalent of 3/4 is 0.75. To get this, divide 3 by 4: 3 ÷ 4 = 0.75.

    What is 6 1/4 as a decimal?

    The decimal equivalent of 6 1/4 is 6.25. To get this, add 6 to the fraction's decimal equivalent. For the fraction 1/4, divide 1 by 4: 1 ÷ 4 = 0.25. Then, add 6 to 0.25 to get 6.25.

    What is 2/7 as a decimal?

    The decimal equivalent of 2/7 is approximately 0.2857. To get this, divide 2 by 7 using long division or a calculator. The result is a recurring decimal: 0.2857.

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