ConvertNumber conversionBinary to string converter

Binary to string converter

Binary and string are two distinct data types used in computer programming and data representation.

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    Binary refers to the base-2 numeral system that uses only two symbols, typically 0 and 1. It is the fundamental language of computers, where data and instructions are represented as sequences of binary digits (bits). Each bit represents a binary value of either 0 or 1. Binary data is essential for low-level operations, hardware control, and digital storage, forming the foundation of all digital computing systems.


    A string is a data type used to represent a sequence of characters, such as letters, numbers, and symbols. In most programming languages, strings are denoted by enclosing the characters within single (‘ ‘) or double (” “) quotes. Strings allow the manipulation and representation of textual data. They are commonly used for user input, text processing, and displaying information in software applications.

    How to Convert Binary to Text

    To convert binary data to text, you need to follow these steps:

    1. Divide the binary data into 8-bit (1 byte) : Binary data is often represented in multiples of 8 bits (bytes). If the binary data is not a multiple of 8 bits, add leading zeros to make it a complete byte.
    2. Convert each 8-bit to its decimal equivalent: Each 8-bit binary represents a number in the range 0 to 255 in decimal.
    3. Use the ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) table: ASCII is a character encoding standard that associates each decimal number in the range 0 to 127 with a specific character. The extended ASCII table (0 to 255) includes additional characters.
    4. Map the decimal numbers to their corresponding ASCII characters: Use the ASCII table to find the text representation for each decimal number obtained from the binary chunks.
    5. Concatenate the text representations: Combine all the text representations obtained in step 4 to form the final text string.

    Binary to ASCII text conversion table

    Hexadecimal Binary ASCII
    00 00000000 NUL
    01 00000001 SOH
    02 00000010 STX
    03 00000011 ETX
    04 00000100 EOT
    05 00000101 ENQ
    06 00000110 ACK
    07 00000111 BEL
    08 00001000 BS
    09 00001001 HT
    0A 00001010 LF
    0B 00001011 VT
    0C 00001100 FF
    0D 00001101 CR
    0E 00001110 SO
    0F 00001111 SI
    10 00010000 DLE
    11 00010001 DC1
    12 00010010 DC2
    13 00010011 DC3
    14 00010100 DC4
    15 00010101 NAK
    16 00010110 SYN
    17 00010111 ETB
    18 00011000 CAN
    19 00011001 EM
    1A 00011010 SUB
    1B 00011011 ESC
    1C 00011100 FS
    1D 00011101 GS
    1E 00011110 RS
    1F 00011111 US
    20 00100000 Space
    21 00100001 !
    22 00100010
    23 00100011 #
    24 00100100 $
    25 00100101 %
    26 00100110 &
    27 00100111
    28 00101000 (
    29 00101001 )
    2A 00101010 *
    2B 00101011 +
    2C 00101100 ,
    2D 00101101
    2E 00101110 .
    2F 00101111 /
    30 00110000 0
    31 00110001 1
    32 00110010 2
    33 00110011 3
    34 00110100 4
    35 00110101 5
    36 00110110 6
    37 00110111 7
    38 00111000 8
    39 00111001 9
    3A 00111010 :
    3B 00111011 ;
    3C 00111100 <
    3D 00111101 =
    3E 00111110 >
    3F 00111111 ?
    40 01000000 @
    41 01000001 A
    42 01000010 B
    43 01000011 C
    44 01000100 D
    45 01000101 E
    46 01000110 F
    47 01000111 G
    48 01001000 H
    49 01001001 I
    4A 01001010 J
    4B 01001011 K
    4C 01001100 L
    4D 01001101 M
    4E 01001110 N
    4F 01001111 O
    50 01010000 P
    51 01010001 Q
    52 01010010 R
    53 01010011 S
    54 01010100 T
    55 01010101 U
    56 01010110 V
    57 01010111 W
    58 01011000 X
    59 01011001 Y
    5A 01011010 Z
    5B 01011011 [
    5C 01011100 \
    5D 01011101 ]
    5E 01011110 ^
    5F 01011111 _
    60 01100000 `
    61 01100001 a
    62 01100010 b
    63 01100011 c
    64 01100100 d
    65 01100101 e
    66 01100110 f
    67 01100111 g
    68 01101000 h
    69 01101001 i
    6A 01101010 j
    6B 01101011 k
    6C 01101100 l
    6D 01101101 m
    6E 01101110 n
    6F 01101111 o
    70 01110000 p
    71 01110001 q
    72 01110010 r
    73 01110011 s
    74 01110100 t
    75 01110101 u
    76 01110110 v
    77 01110111 w
    78 01111000 x
    79 01111001 y
    7A 01111010 z
    7B 01111011 {
    7C 01111100 |
    7D 01111101 }
    7E 01111110 ~
    7F 01111111 DEL

    FAQs on Binary to string converter

    How do you convert binary to string?

    To convert binary to a string, follow these steps: Group the binary digits into sets of 8 (1 byte) from right to left. Convert each group of 8 binary digits into its decimal equivalent. Translate the decimal values to their corresponding ASCII characters. Concatenate the ASCII characters to form the string.

    What is the binary string for 12?

    The binary representation of the decimal number 12 is 1100.

    What is the binary format of a string?

    The binary format of a string involves representing each character in the string as a series of binary digits using their ASCII codes.

    How to read a binary string?

    To read a binary string, follow these steps: Group the binary digits into sets of 8 (1 byte) from right to left. Convert each group of 8 binary digits into its decimal equivalent. Translate the decimal values to their corresponding ASCII characters. Concatenate the ASCII characters to form the string.

    Is 0 a binary string?

    Yes, 0 can be considered a binary string. In the binary numeral system, 0 represents the absence of a binary digit (bit) or the value zero.

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