TechnologyWhat is Virtual Reality (VR)?

What is Virtual Reality (VR)?

Virtual Reality, now known commonly as VR is a technology developed to enhance the experience of a user. It is the development of a complete virtual reality that can allow users to have a whole new experience.

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    It creates a virtual simulation which can be accessed by using the virtual reality headsets. It creates the illusion of being in a space which seems like reality. This simulation can be of a place that actually exists or an unreal place made out of imagination and fantasy.

    The person is supposed to wear a headset or a helmet with a screen, which allows the individual to enter the virtual simulation with a space with the same depth and nature as the real world. The person would move physically to move inside the virtual reality, or it can even have gloves which are sensitive to motion which enhance the experience of the artificial world.

    History of Virtual Reality

    Virtual Reality was invented in the 1960s, and the word was coined in the 1980s. VR is still relatively new, and it’s still new to the people who come across it.

    In 1968, Sutherland along with his student Bob Sproull, created the first ever virtual reality known as HMD, The Sword of Damocles. This technology was new and primitive. The head mount would connect to the computer and not the camera. It would only show simple virtual wireframe shapes.

    Early attempts at virtual reality were made by painting panoramic views and later on, with the advancement, panoramic clicks with phone cameras took over. It gives somewhat of an impression that the person was standing

    Applications of Virtual Reality

    Some major applications of virtual reality in the current scenarios are given below.

    1. Entertainment:

    Today, VR is most commonly used for entertainment purposes like video games, virtual tours, and 3D movies. People enjoy virtual reality as a new experience.

    2. Education and training:

    VR can be used for more illustrative study exploring new ways of training, and opening new ways of teaching. Especially in the field of medicine, it helps in better understanding and experience.

    3. Business:

    VR is used for business purposes for product design, marketing and virtual meetings for giving better visuals and explanations of new strategies and ideas.

    4. Healthcare:

    VR can be helpful for the healthcare system for pain relief therapy or psychological therapy sessions, also it can be helpful for patients who are under rehabilitation and need help. It can also help individuals who deal with anxiety issues or have psychological issues.

    5. Design and Architecture:

    VR can be used to create 3D models and can help experience the whole model with designed interiors, walls, doors, etc, with a complete walk of building designs even before they have been constructed, this would help in better analysis of the likes and dislikes of the client and make changes accordingly.

    This will not only save money but would make the work of the designer easier and yield better, more satisfactory results.

    6. Engineering and Manufacture:

    VR can help with understanding the manufacturing and building process. It could stimulate the process and give better estimates of what could be wrong or what problems may arise during the process.

    Engineers use virtual reality for design testing very extensive and complicated machines which allow them to view its performance in the required environment.

    7.Commerce and Retail:

    Virtual reality has already taken over the retail industry by allowing clients to try on different clothes and other items and see how it would look on them, which results in a better experience for the client and help them make choices based on their judgement.

    Advantages of Virtual Reality

    1. Increase Engagement:

    VR creates an aura and environment that seems so real, new and exciting. The person is surrounded by the experience of a different world by actually being surrounded by it and having the liberty to move around and explore new areas. It increases the engagement of the person and allows them to enjoy it.

    2. Social life:

    Virtual Reality also allows people from all over the world to chat and play games together. It allows people to connect and talk with the almost real experience. It enhances the video calling, interactions and takes them to a whole new level.

    3. Accessibility:

    It has proved to be of significance for people who are disabled, it allows them to experience things they are not able to in their day to day lives. It can be travelling to other destinations or having the experience of playing a physical sport.

    4. Escapism and Rejuvenation:

    It allows people to take some time out of their life and travel to worlds one could only imagine. It helps relax and have fun away from one’s tiring routine.

    5. New Creative outlook:

    Virtual Reality provides new methods and more creative ways to put their ideas out in the world. It allows artists to portray their art in the most unique and thorough way. New experiences out of the world are created using virtual reality.

    6. Enhanced learning:

    It allows students to have a much better idea about what they study and experience it in the most authentic way where it makes studying and learning more interesting and arouses the curiosity of the students.

    7. Improve skills for job:

    VR allows a person to closely observe any form of skill set and also allows the person to actually perform it themselves in the virtual reality, which improves their skill for their jobs.

    Disadvantages of Virtual Reality

    As much as VR is useful and allows people to have new experiences, it has its disadvantages.

    1. Health concerns:

    The Virtual Reality causes extensive eye strain and fatigue. It can also cause motion sickness to a person. The person may stumble upon an object of the real world and hurt themselves. Also, it causes the person to isolate themselves, which affects their mental health.

    2. Cost:

    VR headsets and other hardware is quite expensive and may require technical help for setting up completely. The amount of content is very limited on the VR.

    3. Ethics:

    With the blurred lines of the virtual world and the real world, it has become hard to determine the laws and ethics for that.

    Virtual reality is still growing and needs to find its place in the current world. It has some major drawbacks due to which it is not commonly used, but with the advancement and requirement for new technology, VR keeps on growing and developing.

    Virtual Reality FAQs

    What is virtual reality?

    It creates a virtual simulation which can be accessed by using the virtual reality headsets. It creates the illusion of being in a space which seems like reality, this simulation can be of a place that actually exists or an unreal place made out of imagination and fantasy.

    State some applications of virtual reality.

    Some applications of virtual reality are entertainment, business and healthcare.

    How is it used in healthcare?

    VR can be helpful for the healthcare system for pain relief therapy or psychological therapy sessions, also it can be helpful for patients who are under rehabilitation and need help. It can also help individuals who deal with anxiety issues or have psychological issues.

    What are some pros of virtual reality?

    Some of the pros include improvement in skills, enhancement in learning and developing a creative outlook.

    What are the cons of virtual reality?

    The cons include the declination in health and ethics, and it is costly too.

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