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Personal Hygiene Tips for Students

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    One of the many beneficial habits you should instil in your children is regular hygiene practices. Children, like damp soil, assume the shape of the mould into which they are placed, therefore instilling healthy habits from an early age will have a long-term impact.

    Because you are at home with your children due to the coronavirus outbreak, you may teach them about personal cleanliness, which is also a necessity of the hour.

    Whether your child is starting school or returning after a break, she gets exposed to germs in a variety of ways. When children cough, sneeze or eat contaminated food, germs can travel fast from one child to the next. While playing, sharing food with friends, mixing closely with other youngsters, and so on, students are in danger of contracting germs. Schools, in fact, can be a breeding ground for pathogens. Furthermore, if you do not teach your child the importance of proper hygiene at school, she may be prone to ailments such as cough, cold, fever, head lice, and other contagious diseases.


    The most valuable resource is people. A person in good bodily and mental health is referred to as a human resource. Personal hygiene is the most effective strategy to preserve excellent health. Personal hygiene is defined as a mental condition that fosters one’s own hygienic behaviour. Everyone has their own set of rules and behaviours that they have learned from others or that they have been taught. Personal hygiene is used to prevent or lessen health issues and diseases in general. Individually, it’s done a lot at home, school, and other locations where people live. It means keeping our surroundings, bodies, and clothing as clean as possible.

    What are the personal hygiene habits you tell students?

    • Teach your students how to wash their hands with soap and water. Even when they are not out playing, children grab anything that is within their grasp. While you must keep your home clean, dust will most likely gather on the tabletops and show-pieces by the time you clean them the following time. As a result, it’s important to make sure your children wash their hands completely before eating, after using the bathroom, and after caring for pets in the house (if any).
    • Teach your children to wash their fruits and veggies before eating them. E.coli bacteria are commonly found on the outer surface of fruits and vegetables. They also pass through a lot of hands before they get to your house.
    • When coughing or sneezing, teach your children to cover their lips with a tissue or handkerchief. This is one of the most effective strategies to stop infectious diseases like coronavirus from spreading.
    • You should also show your children how to properly use and wear a mask. Although wearing a mask at home is not required, instilling this excellent practice in your children can be beneficial in the future.
    • Educate them on the need for social separation. While everyone is temporarily confined to their homes, keeping social distance will be a key lesson that they must learn when things gradually return to normal.

    How to teach personal hygiene habits to students?

    When you give your kids the much-needed ‘keep yourself clean and healthy’ talk, they may not listen. The best approach to educate your children on how to create healthy habits is to practise them yourself. Children quickly pick up on what their elders do. So, before you preach, remember to practise.

    Another exciting method to teach your children about cleanliness is to do so while they are playing games, solving puzzles, or conducting engaging science experiments. There are a variety of cartoons and animated programmes that can assist you in teaching basic sanitary practices to children. You may put together a fun and educational puppet performance to illustrate the value of healthy practices.

    Educational implication:

    • Female students have a better personal hygiene level, according to the current study. Male students should receive special attention and training in order to improve their personal hygiene habits. Continuous attention, guidance, and insistence must be given to the learner in order to improve and maintain personal hygiene practices.
    • Parents and teachers must use a variety of ways to teach pupils about personal cleanliness and to make them aware of the benefits of doing so. Environmental hygiene must be taught in addition to personal hygiene. Teachers must take an interdisciplinary approach in order to link personal hygiene behaviour to personal health.
    • Health is the most important factor in human survival. Personal cleanliness is an important aspect of personal health management that may be instilled through adequate health education. The learner may benefit from ongoing health education and guidance in terms of personal cleanliness. If the health education intervention is appropriately executed, changes in the health behaviour of school children are achievable. Teachers must provide health education interventions for school children at various levels in order to improve personal hygiene among them. In order to produce healthy human resources and a bright future for the country, the curriculum should place a greater emphasis on personal hygiene instruction.

    Why is Teenage Hygiene Important?

    When you’re a teenager, cleanliness is crucial. We spend a lot of time in public areas and need to keep our teeth and skin clean and germ-free. Hand washing is an important cultural ritual that is frequently disregarded. The appropriate personal hygiene information can help you protect yourself from disease and prevent the spread of infection. Hygiene is a broad phrase that encompasses personal and collective living cleanliness as well as productive sanitation.

    Personal and societal sanitation activities done to improve human health, prevent diseases and improve and create productive settings and living situations that meet physical and psychological demands are referred to as sanitation.

    Personal Hygiene for Teenage Girl

    • Most females will have menstruation by adolescence, and a handful will have it later. Some girls are just starting menstruation at this time and don’t know much about it. As a result, on weekdays, health-care measures are frequently insufficient. Girls should learn more about menstrual health care measures, as it is possible to create period irregularities, such as dysmenorrhea if they do not.
    • If you are experiencing any difficulty, please visit the clinic as soon as possible! Do not be embarrassed to go. You go early and late, so it’s best to go as soon as possible.


    What are the benefits of personal hygiene?

    It safeguards you against infections and diseases that could compromise your immune system. It keeps the illness from spreading to your loved ones and those you interact with on a daily basis. It helps to keep your skin's pH balanced, making it healthier and more radiant over time.

    Q. How do you maintain personal hygiene during puberty?


    • Brush your teeth twice a day and floss at least once a day.
    • Shower or bathe as often as necessary, which is usually every day or every other day.
    • As needed, trim your nails.
    • As needed, apply deodorant or antiperspirant.
    • Wash your hair on a regular basis.
    • Every day, put on clean socks and underpants.


    Q. What are unhygienic habits?


    • Sneezing without a tissue.
    • Leaving dirty dishes in the sink.
    • Not washing hands thoroughly and regularly.
    • Not flushing the toilet.
    • Not emptying bins until they are overflowing.
    • Eating at a desk.
    • Not disposing of sanitary products appropriately.
    • Biting nails.
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