BlogIIT-JEEFAQ Factors Affecting Rate of Reaction JEE

FAQ Factors Affecting Rate of Reaction JEE


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    The rate of reaction in a chemical reaction refers to how quickly products are produced from reactants. It gives some indication of how quickly a response can be delivered. The response rate of cellulose combustion in fire, for example, is incredibly fast, taking less than a second to complete.

    What does it mean to have a high reaction rate?

    The rate of reaction, also known as the reaction rate, is the time it takes for reactants to transform into products. It’s a fact that the rate at which chemical processes occur varies substantially. Some chemical reactions take a short time to reach their final equilibrium, whereas others take a lengthy time.

    This article intends to assist students in learning about and comprehending the rate of reaction for a certain chemical molecule.

    The rate of a reaction, according to the general definition, is the pace at which a reaction takes place.

    Wood burning, for example, has a high reaction rate because it is a quick process, whereas rusting of iron has a low reaction rate since it is a gradual process.

    Factors Influencing Reaction Time

    This section lists the different factors that can influence the pace of a chemical reaction.

    The reaction’s nature

    • The reaction rate is heavily influenced by the type and nature of the reaction. Certain reflexes are intrinsically faster than others, while others are incredibly slow, as previously stated.
    • The reaction rate is influenced by the physical condition of the reactants, the number of reactants, the complexity of the reaction, and other factors.
    • Solids respond at a slower rate than liquids, while liquids react at a slower rate than solids. The reactant’s size is also crucial. The smaller the reactant, the faster the reaction takes place.

    The influence of concentration on reaction rate

    • According to the collision theory, the rate of reaction increases as the concentration of reactants increases.
    • The chemical reaction rate is exactly proportional to the concentration of reactants, according to the law of mass action.
    • This means that the chemical reaction rate increases as the concentration of reactants grows and reduces as the concentration of reactants lowers.
    • When it comes to altering reactant and product concentrations, time is of the essence. As a result, the reaction rate is heavily influenced by time.

    Factor of Pressure

    • The concentration of gases increases as pressure rises, resulting in a faster reaction rate. In the direction of fewer gaseous molecules, the reaction rate increases, whereas in the opposite direction, it decreases.
    • As a result, it’s easy to see how pressure and concentration are linked, and how they affect reaction rates.

    What effect does temperature have on reaction rates?

    • A chemical reaction that occurs at a higher temperature creates more energy than a reaction that occurs at a lower temperature, according to collision theory.
    • This is because, at high temperatures, colliding particles will have the needed activation energy, resulting in more successful collisions.
    • There are some reactions that are temperature agnostic. Chemical reactions that do not have an activation barrier are examples of temperature-independent reactions.

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    What factors influence a chemical reaction's rate?

    Mention the factor that influences a chemical reaction's pace. As the concentration of reactants rises, the likelihood of molecular collisions rises, and hence the rate of reaction rises.

    How does concentration affect the rate of a reaction?

    The effect of concentration on the pace of reaction The rate of reaction increases as the concentration of reactants increases, according to the collision theory. The rate of a chemical reaction is proportional to the concentration of reactants, according to the law of mass action.

    What is the reaction time?

    The change in concentration of any one of the reactants (or products) per unit time is defined as the rate of reaction (average rate). The number of moles per litre is used to express the concentration of reactants or products. The molar concentration symbol is made up of the substance's formula wrapped in brackets.

    As the reaction progresses, what happens to the reactants and products?

    The amount of reactants in any chemical reaction reduces as the reaction progresses, while the amount of products grows. It's important to remember that the rate of the overall reaction is determined by the rate at which reactants are consumed or products are generated.

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