Occupational Respiratory Disorders

An occupational respiratory disorder can be described as any lung ailment that a person acquires when exposed to certain chemicals, […]


Important Topic of Chemistry: Entropy Entropy is both a scientific concept and a measurable physical property that is most commonly […]

Composition of Lymph 

Definition: Lymph, deduced from a Latin word, is a fluid that flows through the lymphatic system that’s composed of lymph […]

Gay Lussac’s Law

We understand that the Earth is surrounded by a variety of gases. The Earth is surrounded by a cloud of […]

Diode as a Rectifier

The rectifier is an electrical device that transforms alternating current (AC), which flips direction frequently, to direct current (DC), which […]

Coronary Artery Disease

Definition: Coronary Artery disease is blockage of coronary arteries usually caused by the buildup of fatty material called plaque. Coronary […]

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