BlogGeneralList of Neighbouring Countries of India with Boundaries and Name

List of Neighbouring Countries of India with Boundaries and Name

Neighbouring Countries of India

India, the vibrant and diverse South Asian nation, is surrounded by a tapestry of neighbouring countries, each offering its own rich history, culture, and significance. These borders have played a pivotal role in shaping India’s geopolitical landscape and have fostered both cooperation and occasional tensions with its neighbours. As we embark on this comprehensive journey, starting from the west and moving clockwise around India’s borders, we will explore the unique characteristics and historical connections of each of these nations that share a border with India. From the arid landscapes of Pakistan to the lush forests of Bhutan, the high Himalayan peaks with Nepal, the ancient traditions of Bangladesh, and the strategic importance of China and Myanmar, this list will provide a holistic overview of India’s neighbouring countries, their boundaries, and their enduring ties with the Indian subcontinent. Let us delve into this mosaic of nations, each adding its distinct hue to the intricate tapestry of South Asia.

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    • Boundary: India shares its western border with Pakistan. The boundary between India and Pakistan is demarcated by the Radcliffe Line, which was drawn during the partition of India in 1947.
    • Name: Islamic Republic of Pakistan


    • Boundary: India’s northern border is with China, and it is known as the Line of Actual Control (LAC). The border stretches through the Himalayan region.
    • Name: People’s Republic of China


    • Boundary: India’s northern border also touches Nepal. The boundary with Nepal is mostly defined by the natural boundaries of rivers
    • Name: Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal


    • Boundary: Bhutan shares its eastern border with India, and the boundary is marked by rivers and hills
    • Name: Kingdom of Bhutan


    • Boundary: India shares its eastern border with Bangladesh. The boundary has been modified over the years and was significantly altered after Bangladesh’s independence in 1971.
    • Name: People’s Republic of Bangladesh

    Myanmar (Burma)

    • Boundary: India’s northeastern border is with Myanmar. The boundary is mostly defined by rivers like the Naf, Kaladan, and Chindwin
    • Name: Republic of the Union of Myanmar

    Sri Lanka (Maritime Boundary)

    • Boundary: India’s southern maritime boundary is with Sri Lanka, separated by the Palk Strait
    • Name: Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka

    Maldives (Maritime Boundary)

    • Boundary: India’s southwestern maritime boundary is with the Maldives, separated by the Indian Ocean
    • Name: Republic of Maldives

    Afghanistan (Wakhan Corridor)

    • Boundary: India shares a narrow border with Afghanistan in the Wakhan Corridor, a narrow strip of land in northeastern Afghanistan
    • Name: Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

    Tajikistan (Wakhan Corridor)

    • Boundary: India also shares a small border with Tajikistan in the Wakhan Corridor, which is part of the Pamir Mountains.
    • Name: Republic of Tajikistan

    Kyrgyzstan (Wakhan Corridor)

    • Boundary: A tiny portion of India’s border in the Wakhan Corridor also touches Kyrgyzstan.
    • Name: Kyrgyz Republic

    China (Aksai Chin)

    • Boundary: In the northernmost part of India, there is a border dispute with China over the region known as Aksai Chin.
    • Name: People’s Republic of China

    China (Shaksgam Valley)

    • Boundary: India also disputes the boundary in the Shaksgam Valley region with China.
    • Name: People’s Republic of China

    Pakistan (Siachen Glacier)

    • Boundary: India and Pakistan both claim the Siachen Glacier region in the northernmost part of the subcontinent.
    • Name: Islamic Republic of Pakistan

    These are the countries that share their boundaries with India. Each border has its own unique geographical and historical significance. Additionally, India has maritime boundaries with Sri Lanka and the Maldives, which are crucial for trade and strategic purposes. It’s important to note that border disputes and negotiations are ongoing in some regions, which can have political and diplomatic implications.

    Neighbours countries of India: Important facts

    India shares its borders with several neighbouring countries, each marked by its own unique history and dynamics. Here are some important facts about India’s relationships with its neighbouring nations.


    India and China have a rich historical connection, with the Panchsheel Pact signifying a significant milestone in their bilateral relationship. However, a border dispute in 1962 led to a brief war. Since then, both nations have made efforts to improve relations, focusing on economic cooperation and diplomacy.


    Once India and Pakistan were part of a unified country that shared a common heritage and culture. Conflicts, including the Kargil conflict, have strained relations, but ongoing efforts persist to foster a friendlier relationship, particularly in trade and diplomacy.


    The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) was formed to promote peace, stability, and economic progress among South Asian nations through mutual cooperation. India actively participates in SAARC initiatives to enhance regional ties.


    India played an important role in supporting Bangladesh’s struggle for its independence from Pakistani rule. This historical connection has led to strong political, economic, and cultural ties between the two nations, with cooperation in various fields.

    Sri Lanka

    India and Sri Lanka have long-standing ties dating back to antiquity, mythology, and culture. While challenges related to the Indian-origin population in Sri Lanka have arisen, overall, political and trade relations between the two countries have remained positive.
    India’s neighbouring countries have diverse and intricate relationships, shaped by history and contemporary dynamics. Despite past conflicts, efforts are ongoing to strengthen ties and promote regional cooperation in South Asia.


    India’s relationships with its neighbouring countries are a complex tapestry of history, geopolitics, and diplomacy. Each border holds its own significance, whether it be the historical ties with Bangladesh, the strategic importance of the China-India border, or the efforts to foster regional cooperation within SAARC. While challenges and border disputes exist, it is essential to recognize the ongoing efforts to strengthen these relationships through trade, diplomacy, and cultural exchanges.
    The region’s stability and prosperity are intrinsically linked to peaceful and cooperative relations among these nations. As India continues to play a significant role in South Asia and the broader international community, its engagement with its neighbours remains a critical factor in shaping the future of the region and beyond. The intricacies and challenges of these relationships serve as a reminder of the importance of diplomacy, dialogue, and collaboration in a rapidly changing global landscape

    Frequently Asked Questions on Neighbouring Countries of India

    How many countries share their borders with India?

    India shares its borders with a total of 9 countries: Pakistan, China, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Sri Lanka (maritime boundary), Maldives (maritime boundary), and Afghanistan (via the Wakhan Corridor). There are also border disputes with China, Pakistan, and Nepal in certain regions.

    What is the longest international border that India shares?

    India's longest international border is with Bangladesh, stretching over approximately 4,096 kilometres. This border has undergone modifications over the years, particularly after Bangladesh's independence in 1971.

    Are there any unresolved border disputes between India and its neighbours?

    Yes, India has unresolved border disputes with several neighbours, including China (Aksai Chin and Shaksgam Valley), Pakistan (Siachen Glacier), and Nepal (parts of Kalapani region). These disputes have led to occasional tensions and diplomatic negotiations.

    What is the Line of Actual Control (LAC) with China?

    The Line of Actual Control is the de facto border between India and China in the Himalayan region. It is not an officially demarcated border, leading to occasional border skirmishes and disputes over its exact alignment.

    What is the significance of the Wakhan Corridor in India's borders?

    The Wakhan Corridor is a narrow strip of land in northeastern Afghanistan that separates Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and a tiny portion of India from the rest of Afghanistan. India's presence in the Wakhan Corridor is strategically important for maintaining regional stability.

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