UncategorizedBand Theory – Introduction, Valence Band and Conduction Band

Band Theory – Introduction, Valence Band and Conduction Band

Infinity Learn’s Explanation on Band Theory

In physics, band theory is a way of describing the electronic structure of solids. It is a way of thinking about the way electrons move in atoms and molecules. The electronic structure of a solid can be thought of as a stack of energy bands, with each band corresponding to a different energy level.

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    The energy of an electron in a band is related to the distance of the electron from the center of the atom or molecule. The farther away an electron is from the center, the higher the energy of the electron.

    The energy of an electron in a band can also be related to the size of the atom or molecule. The larger the atom or molecule, the higher the energy of the electron.

    In a solid, the energy of an electron in a band is always greater than the energy of an electron in a lower band. This means that an electron can never move from a lower band to a higher band.

    An electron can only move from a lower band to a higher band if it is given enough energy to break the bandgap. The bandgap is the energy difference between the two bands.

    When an electron is given enough energy to break the bandgap, it is called a free electron. A free electron can move freely through the solid.

    The energy of a free electron is related to the temperature of the solid. The higher the temperature, the higher the energy of the free electron.

    The electronic structure of a solid

    What is Band Theory?

    Band theory is a branch of physics that pertains to the study of the electronic structure of matter. In particular, band theory is used to describe the energy levels of electrons in a material.

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