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Claisen Condensation Mechanism – Definition, Requirements and FAQs

What is Claisen Schmidt Reaction? ;

The Claisen Schmidt reaction is a type of condensation reaction that involves the combination of an aldehyde or ketone with an ester. The reaction produces a molecule of alcohol and a molecule of ether. The reaction is named for the German chemists Emil Claisen and Arthur Schmidt, who first described it in 1912.

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    Requirements of Claisen Ester Condensation

    The Claisen ester condensation is a two-step process in which an ester is converted into an aldehyde or ketone, and then the aldehyde or ketone is converted into another ester. The reaction requires a Lewis acid catalyst, such as aluminum chloride, and it can be performed in either the presence or absence of water. The ester is first converted into an aldehyde or ketone by dehydration, and then the aldehyde or ketone is converted into another ester by aldol condensation.

    Claisen Schmidt Reaction Mechanism

    The Claisen Schmidt reaction is a three-step process in which an aldehyde or ketone is converted to an ester. The reaction begins with the formation of an imine, which is then converted to the enamine. The enamine then reacts with the acid to form the ester.

    Difference Between Claisen Schmidt Condensation Mechanism & Aldol Condensation


    Both the Claisen Schmidt condensation and the aldol condensation are two types of condensations. The Claisen Schmidt condensation is a type of aldol condensation. The Claisen Schmidt condensation is a type of carbonyl condensation. The aldol condensation is a type of nucleophilic addition. The Claisen Schmidt condensation is a type of elimination reaction. The aldol condensation is a type of addition reaction.

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