Fibre to FabricFrom Fibres to Wool

From Fibres to Wool

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    • Wool
    • Summary
    • What’s Next?

    In the previous segment, we learnt about wool and wool giving animals. In this segment, we will learn how to obtain wool from fibres.

    How do we obtain Wool from Fibres?

    Fibre is converted to wool in a six-step process. Let us understand these steps by considering sheep as a source of wool.

    1. Shearing: It is the removal of the fleece from the animal’s body.


    1. Scouring: The fleece removed by shearing is washed thoroughly in the huge tanks employed. This is done to remove any kind of impurities like dirt or dust.


    1. Sorting: The clean fleece obtained after scouring is sorted out based on size to separate extremely small fragments from the larger ones.
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