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Gypsum – Chemical Formula, Properties, Types, Uses and FAQ

Gypsum – Introduction

Gypsum is a mineral that is used in many ways. It is used to make plaster of Paris, which is used to make casts for broken bones. It is also used to make wallboard and to make cement.

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    Gypsum - Chemical Formula, Properties, Types, Uses and FAQ

    An Overview of the Gypsum Industry

    • Gypsum is an abundant mineral found in sedimentary rock formations. It is a source of calcium and sulfate, two essential nutrients for plant growth. Gypsum is also used in the manufacture of plaster, drywall, and other building materials.
    • The gypsum industry is a major contributor to the economy of certain states, such as Texas and Oklahoma. The industry employs thousands of people and produces billions of dollars in revenue.

    Occurrence of Gypsum in Soil

    Gypsum is a mineral that is found in soils and is used as a soil amendment to improve the soil structure and to provide sulfur and calcium. Gypsum is also used as a fertilizer to improve the fertility of soils.

    Where is Gypsum Found?

    Gypsum is a mineral that is found in sedimentary rocks. It is often found in conjunction with halite (rock salt). It is also found in evaporite deposits where water has evaporated, leaving behind the minerals. Gypsum is used in a variety of ways, including as a building material, as a soil amendment, and as a fertilizer.

    What is the Chemical Formula for Gypsum?

    The chemical formula for gypsum is CaSO4.

    Physical and Chemical Properties of Gypsum Mineral

    Physical and chemical properties of gypsum mineral include its color, streak, luster, hardness, cleavage, and specific gravity. Gypsum is a white mineral that has a light pink streak. It has a pearly luster and is very soft, with a hardness of only 2 on the Mohs scale. It has perfect cleavage in three directions. Its specific gravity is 2.3.

    Different Kinds of Gypsum

    • There are several types of gypsum, which are all calcium sulfate dihydrate (CaSO4.2H2O). The different types of gypsum are distinguished by their mineralogical composition. The most common type of gypsum is called land plaster, which is a natural occurring mineral. Gypsum board is a man-made product that is made from land plaster.
    • Other types of gypsum include anhydrite, selenite, and alabaster. Anhydrite is a mineral that is very similar to gypsum, but it does not contain water. Selenite is a mineral that is very similar to gypsum, but it contains water. Alabaster is a type of gypsum that is used for carving.

    How is Gypsum Processed?

    Gypsum is processed by crushing the raw ore and then separating the gypsum from the other minerals in the ore. The gypsum is then dried and ground into a powder.

    Uses of Gypsums – Some of the Important Uses of Gypsums include

    • It is used in the production of plaster of Paris
    • It is used as a soil amendment to improve the soil’s water-retention capacity
    • It is used as a component of Portland cement
    • It is used in the production of wallboard and joint compound
    • It is used as a component of paint
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