UncategorizedHelium – Isotopes, Properties and Health Effects

Helium – Isotopes, Properties and Health Effects

Physical Properties of Helium ; The Chemical Properties of Helium are Tabulated Below. ;

Physical Properties of Helium

Helium is a gas at room temperature and has a boiling point of 4.2 Kelvin.

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    Helium is a colorless, odorless gas.

    Helium is the lightest element and has a density of 0.1786 grams per liter at room temperature.

    Helium has a very low boiling point and is the first element to liquefy under atmospheric pressure.

    Helium is a good insulator of heat and has a low thermal conductivity.

    The Chemical Properties of Helium

    Helium is a inert gas and does not react with other elements.

    Helium is used as a shielding gas in welding and in the manufacturing of optical fibers.

    Helium is used as a tracer gas in gas chromatography and in the study of the movement of pollutants in the atmosphere.

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