UncategorizedPotassium Iodate – Molar Mass, Physical and Chemical Properties

Potassium Iodate – Molar Mass, Physical and Chemical Properties

What is Potassium Iodate? ;

Potassium iodate is an inorganic compound with the formula KIO 3 . It is a white, odorless, crystalline salt that is soluble in water. It is the potassium salt of iodate (IO 3 −) anion. It is used as a food additive and as a source of iodide.

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    What Is KIO3 In Chemistry?

    KIO3 is a compound made up of potassium, iodine, and oxygen. It is used in various chemical processes, including the production of iodine tablets. It is also used in photographic film and in the manufacture of some types of explosives.

    The Molar Mass Of Potassium Iodide

    The molar mass of potassium iodide is 214.00 g/mol. It is a white crystalline solid that is slightly soluble in water.

    Physical Properties Of Potassium Iodate

    Potassium iodate is a soluble salt with a molecular weight of 214.01 g/mol. It is a white solid that is slightly soluble in water. It is stable in air, but it can be decomposed by heat or light. It is a strong oxidizing agent and it is toxic.

    Chemical Properties Of Potassium Iodate

    MW: 166.00

    Appearance: white crystals or powder

    Solubility: soluble in water

    Iodine: 66.00%

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