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Reactivity Series – Reactivity of Metals Chart, Features, Uses

What is the Reactivity Series?

Reactivity series is a list of metals in order of reactivity from the most reactive to the least reactive. Lreactivity of a metal is determined by its ability to lose electrons to form positive ions. The most reactive metals lose electrons very easily and form ions very quickly. The least reactive metals lose electrons very slowly and form ions very slowly.

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    Reactivity Series - Reactivity of Metals Chart, Features, Uses

    Long Tabular Form of the Reactivity Series

    • The reactivity series is a table that shows the relative reactivity of metals. The reactivity series is also called the activity series.
    • The reactivity series is based on the idea that metals will react with other elements to form compounds. The reactivity of a metal is based on how easily it will give up its electrons. The most reactive metals are at the top of the table and the least reactive metals are at the bottom.
    • The reactivity of a metal can also be affected by the temperature. The higher the temperature, the more reactive the metal will be.
    • The reactivity series can be used to predict the products of a metal reaction. For example, if you know that magnesium is more reactive than aluminum, you would expect that magnesium would react with water to form magnesium hydroxide, while aluminum would not.

    Salient Features of reactivity series

    • The reactivity series is a list of elements in order of their reactivity. The reactivity of an element is determined by how easily it loses electrons to form ions. The most reactive elements are at the top of the reactivity series and the least reactive elements are at the bottom.
    • The reactivity series is also known as the activity series.

    Important Uses of Reactivity Series

    Some common uses of reactivity series are as follows:

    • To predict the products of a chemical reaction.
    • To identify the most reactive of a group of elements.
    • To help in the selection of an electrode material for an electrochemical reaction.

    Short Trick to Remember Reactivity Series of the Alkali Metals

    The reactivity series of the alkali metals goes:

    Li < Na < K < Rb < Cs < Fr.

    The reactivity series goes from the most reactive (Li) to the least reactive (Fr).

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