MathsAnnulus – Definition, Formula, Area and Solved Questions

Annulus – Definition, Formula, Area and Solved Questions

Formula of Annulus

Annulus –Definition: Formula Area and Solved Questions: The annulus is a geometric figure that is made up of a series of concentric circles. The radius of each circle is the same, and the space between each circle is the same. The annulus can be used to calculate the area of a circular region, as well as the circumference of the circle.

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    The annulus is a ring-shaped structure in a plant or animal. In plants, the annulus is the part of the stem that holds the leaves in place. The annulus is also the part of the stem that contracts to allow the plant to move. In animals, the annulus is the part of the skeleton that surrounds the spinal cord. The annulus protects the spinal cord and helps to keep the body upright.

    Annulus – Definition, Formula, Area and Solved Questions

    What Does The Term Annulus Mean?

    • The annulus is a ring-like structure. In anatomy, it refers to the ring of cartilage that separates the top two vertebrae in the spinal column. This ring of cartilage helps to support the weight of the head and neck.
    • In mathematics, an annulus is a plane curve that is the intersection of a cone and a plane that is not parallel to the cone’s base. It is a region bounded by two circular arcs, the larger one the interior of the cone, and the smaller one the exterior of the cone.

    What is The Area of Annulus?

    • The area of annulus is the area enclosed by the circumference of a circle and the arc of another circle. This area can be found by using the formula A = πr2 – πr1, where r1 is the radius of the inner circle and r2 is the radius of the outer circle.
    • An annulus is a geometric shape that is defined as a region between two concentric circles. The region can be thought of as a slice through the middle of the circles. The area of an annulus can be found by subtracting the area of the inner circle from the area of the outer circle.

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