MathsApplications of Linear Graph – Real Life Applications and Solved Examples

Applications of Linear Graph – Real Life Applications and Solved Examples

Applications of Linear Graph – Real Life Applications and Examples


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    Linear graphs are commonly used in real life to represent relationships between two variables. For example, a linear graph could be used to show the correlation between a person’s age and their height. Other examples of real life applications that use linear graphs include:

    -The relationship between the amount of money a person spends on groceries each month and their total monthly income
    -The relationship between the number of hours a person spends studying each week and their average grade point average
    -The relationship between the amount of rainfall in a given month and the total amount of water that accumulates in a particular area

    What is a Linear Graph


    A linear graph is a graphical representation of a linear equation. It is a graph of points that connect in a straight line, and the equation of the line is displayed above the graph.

    Linear Graph Equation

    A linear graph equation is a mathematical equation that describes the linear relationship between two variables. The equation can be used to predict the value of one variable based on the value of the other variable.

    Introduction to Linear Graphs

    A linear graph is a graph that plots points in a straight line. Linear graphs are used to model linear relationships between two variables. The slope of a linear graph is the rate of change between the two variables. The y-intercept of a linear graph is the point at which the line crosses the y-axis.

    Linear Equations

    Linear equations are equations in which each term is linear. Linear equations can be written in standard form, slope-intercept form, or point-slope form.

    Standard Form

    Standard form is the most general form of a linear equation. In standard form, the equation has the form Ax + By = C.

    Slope-Intercept Form

    Slope-intercept form is a specific type of linear equation that can be written in the form y = mx + b. In slope-intercept form, the slope (m) and the y-intercept (b) are given.

    Point-Slope Form

    Point-slope form is another specific type of linear equation that can be written in the form y – y 1 = m(x – x 1 ). In point-slope form, the slope (m) and the coordinates of the point (x 1 , y 1 ) are given.

    Solving and Graphing Linear Equations

    Linear equations can be solved by graphing or by using algebra.

    To graph a linear equation, you need to know the equation of the line and the coordinates of at least two points on the line.

    To solve a linear equation using algebra, you need to know the equation of the line and the coordinates of at least one point on the line.

    Applications of linear graphs

    Linear graphs are used in many different ways. Some common applications are:

    -Linear regression, which is used in statistics to find a line of best fit for a set of data points
    -Economic analysis, which uses linear graphs to model the relationships between economic variables
    -Fault detection, which uses linear graphs to identify problems in a system

    Real-life application of Linear Graph

    A real-life application of a linear graph is when you are plotting data points on a graph to see if they are linear.

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