MathsWhat is BODMAS? – Rules, Steps and Solved Examples

What is BODMAS? – Rules, Steps and Solved Examples

What is the Full Form of BODMAS?

What is BODMAS Rules Steps and Solved Examples.

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    This is an acronym which stands for:

    B – brackets
    O – order of operations
    D – division
    M – multiplication
    A – addition
    S – subtraction

    History of BODMAS

    BODMAS is an acronym used to help remember the order of operations that should be followed when solving mathematical equations and expressions. The acronym stands for:

    B rackets
    O rder
    D ivision
    M ultiplication
    A ddition
    S ubtraction

    The order of operations that should be followed is:

    B rackets
    O rder
    D ivision
    M ultiplication
    A ddition
    S ubtraction

    BODMAS Rules

    The BODMAS Rule is an acronym that stands for the order of operations that should be followed when solving mathematical equations. The acronym stands for:

    B rackets
    O rder
    D ivision
    M ultiplication
    A ddition
    S ubtraction

    The order of operations that should be followed is:

    Multiplication and Division (from left to right)
    Addition and Subtraction (from left to right)

    BODMAS without Bracket





    -2, -1, 0, 1, 2

    Floating Point Numbers

    3.14, -5.67, 0.0, 2.78


    true, false

    Operators or Operations:

    The operators or operations that can be performed on a number are:

    + (addition), – (subtraction), * (multiplication), and / (division).


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    I. Brackets

    around an expression denote that it is an optional argument.

    II. Square brackets around an expression denote that it is an optional argument that is also a repeatable argument.

    III. Curly braces around an expression denote that it is an optional argument that is also a required argument.

    A. III only

    B. I and III

    C. II and III

    D. I, II, and III

    II. ÷× Division and Multiplication

    2. Division

    To divide two numbers, divide the first number by the second number.


    To divide 8 by 2, divide 8 by 2 to get 4.

    3. Multiplication

    To multiply two numbers, multiply the first number by the second number.


    To multiply 8 by 2, multiply 8 by 2 to get 16.

    III. +- Addition and Subtraction-

    To add two numbers together, simply add the numbers together.

    To subtract two numbers, subtract the smaller number from the larger number.

    Answer: 123!

    123 is the answer to the question.

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