Energy of an electron is given by E=−2.178×10−18JZ2/n2. Wave length of light required to excite an electron in an hydrogen atom from level n=1 to n=2 will be: h=6.62×10−34Jsand c=3.0×108ms−1 

Energy of an electron is given by E=2.178×1018JZ2/n2. Wave length of light required to excite an electron in an hydrogen atom from level n=1 to n=2 will be: h=6.62×1034Jsand c=3.0×108ms1 

  1. A


  2. B


  3. C


  4. D


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    ΔE=E2E1 ΔE=2.178×1018J1411 ΔE=1.6335×1018J 

    Thus, the wavelength,

    λ=hcΔE λ=6.62×1034J3×108ms11.6335×1018J λ=1.216×107m

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